On the 18-19th of March 2010 First President Foundation of the republic of Kazakhstan held an annual fair of social ideas and projects. Our foundation participated in the fair with three projects. “Day of Smile” (jointly with the “DARA” foundation), “I study by playing”, multimedia educational complex EduPlay. “Day of smile” – is an annual celebration dedicated to the end of the school year for children from orphanages and boardings. Two other projects - to improve education in special (correctional) boarding school ? 7. The total cost of these projects more than two million tenge.

This year on the fair were presented 230 projects. Of which only 29 were recipients of financial assistance of the First President of Kazakhstan. All grants were more or less evenly distributed over the regions of our country and the proportion of projects submitted by Non Commercial Organizations in Almaty was very large. Our foundation has not received grants for our projects.

We hope that the funds for our projects will be collected by kind and concerned people of Almaty city.