Today the hotel «Rixos President Astana» and “Toybastar” company held a charity auction on which wedding cake, designer dresses, a certificate for tailoring suit, premium bag made from fresh flowers, certificate to visit a beauty salon and many other lots were sold. When we were invited to this auction, we were pleasantly surprised by the fact that all funds from it will be transferred to our foundation and to Akkol children`s home ? 1. This proves that the good deeds of our foundation are known not only in Almaty where basically we are working, but also in the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana. All the funds we received the Charity Foundation “AYALA” forwarded to continuation of equipping cardiosurgery department of National Scientific Centre of Surgery after name of “Syzganov”. We express great appreciation to the «Paladin» company representatives of which revived the auction, and it made possible to collect a larger amount of funds. At the end of auction, our foundation has received 220 000 tenge.