15-05-2008  A YEAR IN REVIEW

Evening of May, 15, despite all weather forecasts was rather warm. The weather, apparently, "favours" our fund. As well as on the day of Nauryz celebration in children`s sanatorium ?2, despite all pessimistic predictions of weather forecasters, the weather was simply remarkable.

Guests gathered to live music outside the remarkable restaurant complex "Palladium court ", walked around the exhibition of pictures, which could be purchased under the open-skies and appeased evening hunger. Evening dresses of ladies, smart suits of their companions. Ordinary function? No! An evening is organised to collect money on a cutting edge apparatus for the reanimation unit of children's hospitals of our city.

Alpysbay Kazygulov is a talented artist well-known even outside borders of Kazakhstan. His works were presented in Belgium, Japan, the Netherlands and Russia. Alpysbay who understands the problems of the Kazakhstan health care system gave to the fund his canvases and the money collected from the sale will be spent on new equipment for intensice care units of the children`s hospitals.

Fanfares gave a signal of the beginning of the official part. An action began. An evening presenter entered, children's choir  "Yelim Ai”, our opera "diva" Sara Naiman, charming anchorman of the evening Sagnai Abdullin, representatives of a hospital, the most generous "donors" award, string quartet "Infinity", photo shoots,  great number of kind words, video film about activity of the fund, pictures, donations in the glass boxes, meeting of old partners and friends in corridors, interviews, people taking away pictures with them, again Sagnai, speech by the "department for health protection", rewarding of partners, again anchorman, departure of "early little birds" and arrival of the belated guests, ubiquitous photographers and operators, Aplysbai Kazygulov, stammering from agitation, enchanting appearance and fiery one-hour concert of Larissa Dolina, continuous specks of light of photo shoots, again "Infinity", the closing speech by the hostess of the evening, president of benevolent fund of "AYALA" Aidan Suleimenova.

This is about the evening in brief. But…

The great number of people appeared to like the idea of charity, the idea of creating goodness.

We understood that OUR city, our people, our compatriots are ready to help needing, and especially to the heavily diseased simply have no time to look around and ask "whom and how can I help"? The question our fund has already found an answer to. We are already helping.

With appearance of three cutting edge artificial ventilation machines for the lungs in the reanimation unit of the children's infectious hospital doctors will not have  a  difficult question "Who of seriously sick children WILL breathe?"

And predominantly, the president of the benevolent fund  "AYALA" Aidan Suleimenova offered to the representatives of all benevolent funds of the Republic of Kazakhstan to found a national REWARD in the field of charity with such categories as "the most generous", “the kindest”, “the most permanent", "the best"! The award was offered to be named as - "With all our heart"!