28-12-2010  NEW YEAR IN BOARDING ? 6

This year we took custody of another correctional boarding school. And today we organized in a boarding school New Year performance for children. In addition to Santa Claus and Snow maiden children came to congratulate the artists of the Kazakh state circus. Held a funny circus perfomance. Tricks, trained animals, funny clowns, jugglers amused not only children but also teachers, guests and parents who had come to this holiday. After the performance children received a traditional new year gifts.

We thank all who helped to our foundation to provide  New Year holiday for children from special (correctional) boarding school ? 6 for children with intellectual disabilities. This ere Vildana Bitanova travel agency «Gloria Inc.», Mariutsa Vladimir “Albana” LLP and Friends club of “Ayala” foundation, president Flura Batyrova.