16-05-2011  SOCIAL COUNCIL

The next session of the Social Council on protection of the rights of patients has taken place in the conference hall of National Scientific Medical Centre in Astana. The Council is assigned to the Ministry of Health of Republic of Kazakhstan . There were two questions in the agenda of this session:

1. About development of transplantology in Republic of Kazakhstan 
2. About opioid substitutive therapy (OST).

The Vice-president of the fund "?YALA" Zhangeldy Sarsenov is a member of this Council from the date of its creation. It is good that official bodies began to give consideration to cooperation with the non-governmental organizations. We are glad to support our government in solving of various problems, including contribution to the work of such consultative organizations.

 Five decisions have been arisen from the session of the Council:

1. To make changes in subordinate regulatory acts (orders of Ministry of Health) related to voluntary donorship of bodies. 
2. To recommend acceptance of a presumption of "disagreement" for donorship of bodies in Republic Kazakhstan . 
3. To begin propaganda of a posthumous donorship of bodies among youth – military men, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the drivers receiving the driver's license, etc. 
4. Do not expand the project about opioid substitutive therapy on republican level until an objective concept of this pilot project will be find out. All insititutions interested in this project should provide all necessary information for objectification of the project data till 2012. 
5. To refrain from populistic statements and articles in mass media both for and against therapeutic methods.