09-09-2011  ALMATY NGO FORUM

A plenary meeting of the Almaty NGO forum took  place in the hall of fund of the First President of the republic of Kazakhstan . This forum was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the independence of Kazakhstan and also the role of NGO in the socio-economic development of our city. The Mayor of Almaty city A.Yessimov,the Deputy Mayor T.Seidumanov,the representatives of the city Maslikhat and of the Ministry  of Culture and nongovernmental organizations as well, took part in the work of the forum. During the plenary meeting, the informational exhibition about the activity of NGOs of Almaty also was held. All the voiced presentations and the printed materials will be very useful for all workers of the noncommercial sector. We are grateful to the Social Fund “Informational-resource center” NGO in Almaty for the organization of the work of this forum and also for everyday work of informing the NGOs about the news in this area of activity.