This spring the Second International Conference “Charity in Kazakhstan”  took place in Almaty. The acquaintance with the director of the Children Fund “Besik”,which is working more than a year in the Aktobe city, became one of the useful outcomes of this conference. The Children Fund “Besik” was founded by the initiation of the famous public figure, the candidate of the pedagogical sciences Gulbanu Uketaikyzy in June 2010. The director of this Fund is Alma Zhansarinova, the energetic woman, who is not indifferent and fascinated to her work. After our meeting supported by the long mutual enriching conversation, Alma expressed her desire to support the “Breathe, Baby” project and suggested her help in the Aktobe city. The “Kazakhstan-Aktobe” telecompany, radio “Aktobe” and the advertising-industrial “Art Vision” company are taking part in the advancement of this project in the Aktobe city.

Directorof this foundation - an energetic, absorbed and indifferent woman Alma Zhansarinova. After our meeting, and a long synergy conversation, Alma wanted to support the project, "Breathe, baby" and offered its assistance in the city of Aktobe. In promoting the project in the city of Aktobe take part: the TV company "Kazakhstan-Aktobe" radio "Aktobe" and advertising-production company "Art Vision."

On September 12th, on the main str. of Aktobe city- Abulkhair Khan Ave., not far from the Park of the First President , appeared billboard, which appealed the residents of the city to participate in the project named “Breathe,Baby”.  To do this, every subscriber of “Beeline” can  just send SMS to the short number 1462 and 100 tenge will be enlisted on the account of this project. We are taking an opportunity to thank all the staff and the members  of Club of Friends of the “Besik” fund for helping our fund in the realization of the project “Breathe, Baby” and wish them health  and success on the difficult cornfield of charity.

Recalling, that in the frames of this project the children departments of all the maternity hospitals and the prenatal center of Almaty has already received modern equipment for nursing preterm infants. Within the next few days we are planning to transfer the devices of vital necessity to the regional prenatal centers located in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semey and Karaganda. Follow our news.