Today ? colourful holiday has taken place in a primary class of the boarding school ?10 where the children from low-income families study. Our old friend and partner the airline «Air Astana» has constructed an amazing, cheerful and bright children's playground at the school territory. Except the playground, all territory of the boarding school adjoining to the playground has been improved and decorated. Employees of airline and volunteers have arranged for children and tutors flashing competitions, relay races, have worked as body art artists and animators. Captain Jack Sparrow, the character of «Pirates of Caribbean sea»and heroes of the cartoon movie Spartacus and Stephanie were especially remembered to children.

Our fund together with Club of Friends took under guardianship this boarding school in 2011. Saule Sergazinova who is working in the airline «Air Astana» also a member of our Club of Friends from the moment of its foundation. Having seen what help it is possible to render to children’s educational centres, she has convinced the airline management to help this boarding school as it is located in the Turlsibsky district of Almaty. The basic divisions of the National Air carrier are located in this area. It is pleasant to see that more and more large business structures of our country ar? involved in good deeds, and the charitable organizations help them to find the people who need a special attention.

We hope that the other national companies will follow the lead of the airline «Air Astana».