From the moment of its foundation our fund, except the rendering assistance to Public  Children's  Health Care Centres with the modern medical equipment, our fund actively participates in medical education of the population of our country. With assistance of the charity fund "AYALA" the children's doctor Zaure Muratovna Ospanova has recorded reels in which it is told about correct conducting patients with various pathology, and also the recommendation about nutrition of children. We are glad to inform you that these reels have entered into the approved by WHO/JUNISEF training course «The Integrated conducting of children’s illnesses» adapted for Republic Kazakhstan with an additional course for countries of Eastern Europe and the Central Asia « The Integrated conducting of children’s illnesses in HIV-infection context». This computer disk is produced under support of WHO, UNICEF, Ministry of Health of Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union. The fact that these reels have been screened with the assistance of our fund and were included into this training program, tells about their importance and usefulness.