Our foundation in association of charitable funds sent to study to the city of Bergamo, Italy team of doctors from Scientific centre of Surgery after name of “Syzganova”. 2 heart surgeon, 2 anesthesiologist and perfusionist will be trained in one of the best cardio surgery clinics in Italy Duration of training doctors from two to six months.

This project became possible because three charity foundations “AYALA”, “DARA” and “HOME" combined their efforts. We hope that doctors will raise the level of Kazakhstan cardiac surgery to new level. Additional information on press conference and details of trip you will find in the following links

Kazakhstan heart surgeons will pass training in the Italian city of Bergamo

Seminar heart surgeons

Way to heart – through Italy

Kazakhstan heart surgeons go on training to Italy

How did training pass


Gulmira hello! Welcome from the anesthesiologists  Dauletbekov Zhandos and Espenbetov Esen! We heard from Vitali that you asked about us. We apologize for the lateness of response. In general, greeted us well, life conditions are very good as you know we live in a 4-room apartment.  Bergamo by our standards is a small town with a population about 100 thousand people located in pre alpine zone, but the snow caps of the mountains we have not seen. There are no industrial facilities in the city that is why there is clean air in the city.  All cars are small, effects the high parking fees. Clean and narrow streets (wide almost none), no traffic jams, lots of black people, a lot of expensive shops, no day-night grocery stores ... we can write a long story.

Ospedali riuniti di Bergamo or combined hospital complex of Bergamo city about 2000 beds (for example in Center of Surgery after name of Syzganova - 220 beds), combines almost all areas of medicine, including oncology, neurosurgery, pediatrics, transplantation, obstetrics and gynecology and so on. The patient can get any and very professional help without going outside the clinic.

The photo shows the administrative part of the clinic and pass through it to the clinic.

The next day we just got acquainted with the operating room and were able to observe the operation carried out by Vitaly Pak. There were difficulties with catheterization of the great arteries that is why we had to make Vazosection (see photo). The operation itself of course wore cardiac that we have not yet carried out in Kazakhstan. I have to say that there are a lot of positive differences, particularly with regard to sterility.

The entire staff is completely disguised including shoes, all the doors open automatically after pressing the button located at the foot level  pressing by leg. In the operating room there are no windows, one wall is completely consist of device that makes laminar flow of sterile air-conditioning. The average temperature in the operating room maintained at 16-17 degrees by Celsius.

During the operation everybody except operating surgeons and nurses are prohibited from standing during surgery on the side of the foot side, only near patients head, to forbid a stream of sterile and cooled air push tiny microbe into the wound. I tell you this is correct.

About anesthetic merits or distinctions we can say a lot. First the anesthesiologist are fully equipped. This is a symbiosis of breathing apparatus and test monitor, this is the choice of any medicine, it is  heating of pouring  solutions, it is echocardiograph intra operatively.


And in the intensive care ...

So that I worked!

parents not only looking

But also care about their children

discussion is going on, as well as child’s treatment

device that controls the central hemodynamics, those indicators that allow you to objectively judge the state of the patient


                                onitor, which differs from our stationary                        taking this opportunity we visited adult department,

                                                                                                                                   this is device for long-term hemodialysis (artificial kidney) 



The doctor makes the appointment, evaluating the patient’s condition (by the way a doctor from the former Soviet Union, from Moldavia, his name is Alexander).

At the moment we are waiting for results of tests for various infections (an HIV test shall be made only with the permission of the patient, in Kazakhstan HIV test for patients is a mandatory procedure).

And so a domani or until tomorrow, see you soon!


Zhandos                                                                                                                     Esen