27-10-2011  “ALTYN ZHYREK” AWARD

This year award has celebrated its 5th anniversary, the special event took place at Abay state opera and ballet theatre. The organizer is an old friend and partner of ours - “Baurzhan” charity foundation. We congratulate the head and brain center of the award organizing committee – Zhuldyz Omarbekova with anniversary, and give her our sincerest wishes. During its five years of existence the award has became the most influential among other charity awards. Different years the award holder were different merited organizations and people. This year the official nominee from “Ayala” charity foundation has became Halyk bank, although we have nominated Kaspi bank, Air Astana, Icon, LED display and other sponsors of ours as well. Unfortunately even Halyk Bank didn’t get the major prize. We do anyway think that our partners have golden hearts. Hundreds of childrens’ life saved all over the country – can be considered as the major prize for generous people.