It is very important gift to all residents of the citys Taraz and Zhambyl district on the eve of the New 2012 made our long-term partner Halyk bank. The project "Breathe, baby" to equip the regional perinatal centers with modern equipment for nursing preterm infants Halyk bank allocated 10 million tenge. For 5 years the "AYALA" foundation have a few specific classification of its sponsors. There are sponsors who for whatever reasons choose a specific project, perinatal center or a variety of educational institutions. And  sponsors who because of long-term cooperation with our foundation  allocates funds, leaving to our foundation an opportunity of self-selection of any of our project. Such sponsors we call "ideal" sponsors. This type of care shows that our permanent partners trust to our foundation to allocate their donations, because they know that all funds will serve a good deeds.

We congratulate management and staff of Halyk bank, as well as residents of the city of Taraz and Zhambyl region who in the nearest and distant future will be the patients of the regional perinatal center.