On 6th of February, 2012 in the conference hall of the National Scientific Center of Surgery (NSCS) of Syzganov took a place a ceremony of transfer of medical equipment for open heart surgery in children’s with congenital heart disease (CHD). Tools were purchased by "AYALA" charity foundation under the project "I want to live" for the development of pediatric cardiac surgery in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since 2008 "AYALA" charity foundation began to be engaged in the problem of pediatric cardiac surgery in our country. According to statistics every year in the republic born from 3 000 to 5000 children with congenital heart disease (CHD). Earlier, more than 80% of these children die before reached 1 year age, because state cardiac surgery departments operating equipment, and resuscitation departments, training of doctors - surgeons, cardiologists left much to be desired. This situation could not remain indifferent non-governmental organizations, which helped to develop of Kazakhstan's medicine.

During the entire period of "I want to live" project, our foundation transfered 45 888 103 tenge. It would be unrealistic to collect funds without our partners and sponsors. Over the years Dialin, Halyk bank, Viled, KazStroyService companies helped us, a few individuals have made large donations, and funds collected during the various charity events.

In 2009, with the help of charity foundations Surgery Center doctors have been trained in the cardiac clinic of the city of Bergamo, Italy. After the arrival of doctors from Italy, the situation turned for the better with the operations for children weighing less than 10 kg.

In 2010, in Surgery Centre were operated 292 children, 108 of them with weighs less than 10 kg. Previously, such transactions have been very few. In 2011 for raising the level of ultrasound doctors’, two persons were sent to Tomsk Cardiology Center. This was also done by the means of "AYALA" charity foundation and our project partner in cardiac surgery. In 2011 Surgery Centre doctors operated  282 children with a variety of CHD, including 34 children under the age of 1 year and 58 children under 3 years.

Surgical instruments, which were transferred to NNTSH are made from high quality materials and are designed specifically for operations on the tiny hearts of patients with congenital heart disease. The cost of instruments   is 4,232,693 tenge.

Funds for the purchase of these instruments have been collected from the charity boxes, which are installed in «Kaganat» dinings and «Air Astana» ticket sales offices. Funds, which were donated to boxes by visitors to these public service places, that are ordinary citizens of our country. "AYALA" foundation expresses gratitude to all the good and generous people, who helped us to raise funds for this phase of "I want to live" project.