An important milestone in charitable activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan became a concert by world music violin Marat Bisengaliev, which took place May 2, 2012 at Abai State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre.  On this day "AYALA" foundation celebrated 5th anniversary from the date of the organization. In concert, except Marat Bisengaliyev, attended Zhambyl State Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Philharmonic, and young stars of London Symphony and Philharmonic Orchestras - Amir and Galia Bisengaliyevs.
Symphonic Music Concert was organized by "AYALA" foundation, "Sberbank" JSC and the British-Kazakh Society. All funds raised during the preparation of the concert and during the event will focus on the children's intensive care unit of Kyzylorda regional prenatal center. The money collected during the concert, "AYALA" plans to purchase breathing apparatus, resuscitation tables and other medical equipment for the care of premature infants. Since 2008, the Republic of Kazakhstan is working on the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria for live birth. From this point on is considered live-born infant weighing 500 grams. Newborns weighing less than 1000 grams support systems are not ready to existence outside the mother's body, and to save the lives of these children need special equipment. CPAP Breathing apparatus and resuscitation open tables helps to  health workers to nurse premature infants. This equipment will be purchased with funds that were collected during a concert of symphonic music.
Hundreds of spectators gathered in the hall of Abai GATOB them became not only lovers of violin music, but also members of the next stage of "Breathe, baby"  project " of "AYALA". The "Breathe, baby," is part of the Memorandum which was signed between «AYALA" Foundation, and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. All maternity hospitals and prenatal center in Almaty, as well as children's intensive care unit of regional prenatal centers in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semipalatinsk, Karaganda, Atyrau, Taraz had already received a gift from "AYALA" a modern medical equipment in the neonatal intensive care unit. This equipment has helped to health workers to save a hundreds lives of newborns. This greatly reduced the infant mortality rate, which is one of the key criteria for the development of medicine and the country as a whole.
During preparation for event and during a concert was collected 17,085,130 tenge. It needs to collect 19 357 200 tenge to finish “Kyzylorda Breathe, baby” project. Employees of "AYALA" firmly convinced that the missing money will be collected in the coming days of the boxes to raise funds by sms to the short number 1462 operator Beeline, and transfers to the fund.
At 5th anniversary ceremony of AYALA were awarded the largest and most constant partners of our fund. "Oscars" of charity, as this award named Daniyar Dzhaparkulov, a director «Dialin» House Interior in this evening went to the managing director of Icon Cable Network Icon - Sergei Kim, a company spokesman of "ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Inc.." -Alia Kayupova, Deputy Chairman of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan -Stanislav Kosobokov , and to Managing Director of Kaspi bank - Larissa Pak. Unfortunately, Kanat Nureyev, LED display  director, could not get the deserved reward, who helps to fund for  many years.
The audience were very pleased with the concert  in positive atmosphere and energy of participants. Young stars of  violin music Amir, Galia Bisengaliyev and Maestro Marat Bisengaliev not left indifferent spectators and musicians of the orchestra. Audiences particularly remember radiant smile of Abzal Mukhitdinov, conductor of the orchestra. Organizers of the concert is particularly pleased with a full hall and no tickets at the box office.
In concert sounded  a festive overture by Shostakovich, Fantasy on Kazakh folk themes for Violin and Mikhail Pletnev Orchestra , a fantasy on Bizet's opera "Carmen" for Violin and F. Waxman Orchestra, a piece for two violins and "Navarre"  orchestra "Navarre" of Sarasate, and Concerto for Violin and Orchestra of Kazakh composer A. Serkebayev performed by the incomparable Marat Bisengaliyev.
Spectators by long applause did not release the masters of world music. Countless bouquets of spring flowers are recognized musicians charity musicians. Department of Culture of Almaty city administration also noted the great performance artists by basket of roses.
Participation of Kazakhstan stars of classical music in the charity is an example not only for musicians but for all concerned citizens of our country, as entrepreneurs, and ordinary residents of towns and villages.