19-06-2012  BREATHE, BABY (AKTOBE)

Republican phase of the project "Breathe, baby" continues to march across the country. Today, the employees of Aktobe Regional Perinatal Center (RPC) were given the life-saving equipment for the department of children's intensive care unit. This obstetric institution is an in-patient hospital of the third level, but due to the low level of maternity wards equipment of central district hospitals in the regions, women out of the risk group are also sent to RPC, so this perinatal center is the place of almost half of all regional accouchements. In Aktobe region, birth rate is not the highest, however, the percentage of premature births is quite high. In previous years, even with a shortage of modern equipment for the care of children with critically low birth weight, infant mortality rate in the region was a little lower than the average national rate.

We are sure that with the help of CPAP breathing apparatus, resuscitation tables, portable x-ray apparatus, elektroaspirators and other medical equipment, which we passed to the RPC, the employees of this medical establishment will significantly improve the statistics.

Vice Akim of the Aktobe region, Sara Nurkatova, who is responsible for the social sector of the region, has highlighted the fact that charity in our country is currently booming. The participation of Almaty businessmen and of the national airline company “Air Astana” in dealing with socially important regional issues is very joyous.

Alma Zhansarinova, director of the "Besik" children's fund that operates in Aktobe, thanked the staff of "AYALA" charity fund for the fruitful collaboration, moral support and the experience of work in charity, which is generously shared out by the employees of our fund. It should be noted that the "Besik" fund took part in the project "Breathe, baby" in Aktobe, donating one million tenge for this purpose.

Saule Sergazinova, social projects coordinator of "Air Astana” congratulated health care workers with their professional holiday on behalf of seven thousand passengers, who are daily carried by the airline. Later she said: "The Company "Air Astana" has been working with the "AYALA" charity fund for a long time, because the fund is completely transparent in financial sphere. We will continue to work with the foundation "AYALA", and we already have several determined projects that are planned to be implemented in the near future".

The cost of the donated equipment is almost 15 million tenge. The director of RPC Askhat Balykov warmly thanked our foundation for the generous gift: "I know that in the fund there are working doctors, and they understand the urgent needs of healthcare institutions of the republic. Today we received exactly that equipment, which was desperately needed by pediatric intensive care unit".

This event is particularly significant for Berik Darzhanov, a medical equipment consultant of our fund. Berwick was born, grew up and received a medical degree exactly in Aktobe. Here he began his medical activity. The children's anesthesiologist-resuscitator understands better what difficulties the child resuscitation has, so that all the projects on the equipping of children's intensive care units are executed by our fund at the highest level.

In the conclusion of the equipment handover ceremony, Zhangeldy Sarsenov, vice president of our foundation, gave thanks to "Besik" children's fund, to "Air Astana" airline, to the chain of canteens "Kaganate" and to the «Trade Commerce Oli» and «BeSmart» companies. All of these organizations participated in raising funds for the Aktobe phase of the "Breathe, baby" project implementation.