Two other bright spots appeared in the Children's Rehabilitation Center (RC) due to LLP «MAC Company». These are the sports and game facilities. The passing ceremony of these grounds took place today. Our fund is always trying to invite sponsors for such events. Chief physician of RC arranged for sponsors "go-round" in the institution. On this day, held a very interesting manipulation –introduction to a child with cerebral paralysis the drug disport. This drug relieves muscle spasms, such procedures are carried out for children with cerebral paralysis every six months. There have been cases that after one treatment the children after a certain time just getting on their feet, though before they could move only in a wheelchair. One pack of medication costs for the budget 500 Euro. In the rehabilitation center there is a large number of equipment that was transferred by the fund "AYALA", and children’s playground for the wards of the center were built. Active games significantly improve the condition of children who are undergoing rehabilitation, not only with severe neurological diseases, but also after head injuries that children often receive in a traffic accident.

Representatives of the LLP «MAC Company», who came to the passing ceremony of children's playgrounds with their families, asked what else they can do for the Rehabilitation Center and promised continued participation in the projects of our fund.