Today in the Park of the First President of Kazakhstan in Almaty was the start of a charity BKS race. Despite the cold rain at the start were a lot of athletes, journalists and fans. After registration, the instructor of fitness club “World Class” Valikhan spent a fun workout and exactly at 11:00 the race started. Athletes had to overcome 10 km along the perimeter of the park. Most of the runners coped with this task, but some of the runners gone the distance at levels 2 and 6 km. However, all ran with enthusiasm, despite the inclement weather.

All funds raised at this event will be directed at the implementation of the charity fund "AYALA" project "Breathe, baby." The project aims at support of children's resuscitation departments of perinatal centers in the country with modern medical equipment. Under this project vitally necessary equipment received all maternity and perinatal center of Almaty, and regional maternity and perinatal centers located in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semipalatinsk, Karaganda, Atyrau, Taraz and Aktobe. Equipment for the regional perinatal center of Kyzylorda has been already bought.  This project the "AYALA" fund performs in close cooperation with the Ministry and the regional departments of Health. Equipment, which has been transferred to hospital by charity fund "AYALA”, has helped employees of maternity hospitals and perinatal centers save thousands of newborns’ lives.

The organizers of the race were the British-Kazakh Society (British-Kazakh Society, BKS) and Almaty City Administration. BKS has extensive experience in organizing charity races, these races were held in Astana for 4 years in a row. Semi Marathons, held in Astana by BKS are very popular among diplomats, employees of foreign companies and joint ventures, as well as among the Kazakh businessmen and government officials. British-Kazakh Society organized a charity run in Almaty for the first time. The organizers are confident that the charity run will become a new tradition in our city.

The winners were determined in several categories - best at the finish in both men and women and the winner among corporate runners. The best runner was Anel Akiyanova, second place awarded Aigerim Duskinova, and the third at the finish was Lazzat Tokhtarov. Among men the first was Yerzhan Zhanmailov, second finished runner was young Yernar Ibraev and the third line in the list of finishers took the 51-year-old member of the Almaty runners club Kairbolat Egeubaev. By the way, the winner of the race is also in this club. Among corporate runners places were as follows. Winner is from “Sberbank”, "silver" took «Kamkor Management» company, “bronze" won "Air Astana".

Sponsors of sports charity were "Air Astana", «KIOGE» company and “Sberbank”. The «Kamkor Management» company took part in the event as a corporate runner.

Charity BKS race was supported by Kazakhstan Olympians. Among the participants were boxing competition’s medalists of London 2012 Olympic Games - silver medalist Adilbek Niyazymbetov and bronze medalist Ivan Dychko. The participation of our Olympians in the charity race - further evidence of social responsibility of Kazakhstan athletes. We are sure that this example will serve to the common cause of charity organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the development of this noble tradition. Executive Director Gauhar Bramley-Fenton from British-Kazakh Society said on this occasion: "We are watching with interest at the development of our idea which originated in London in 2009, and now provides healthy sprouts in Kazakhstan. We are sure that the charity and the desire to participate in it will take its rightful place in the hearts of Kazakhstan people. "

Head of Physical Education and Sport Department in Almaty Hayrbolat Haydarov said: "City Akimat supported the initiative of BKS. Besides the development of physical culture and sport in our country, these activities strengthen the British-Kazakh relations and also serve as promotion of sport and a healthy lifestyle. "

Vice-President of the "AYALA" Fund Zhangeldy Sarsenov said about the race: "A large number of participants of semi-marathon, which was held on 22nd of September in Astana, and the 10 km race in Almaty suggests, that people are not indifferent to charity. In just two races were collected 7.564 million tenge.

From the beginning we doubted that over two sporting events can be collected 19,621,800 tenge for the implementation of the project "Breathe, baby" Petropavlovsk, but start has been made. "

For the children's resuscitation department of Petropavlovsk Regional Perinatal Center under the project "Breathe, baby" it is need to buy three resuscitation table, 3 CPAP breathing machine, syringe pumps, medical scales and other equipment that is designed to provide high-tech care for premature infants with various diseases.

Organizers of races and charity fund "AYALA", to which were given all the money collected in the semi marathon, express their sincere thanks to all participants, to our famous athletes and especially to those people and companies that were sponsors and partners. But the biggest thanks are to the people who acted as individual runners. Most of them made ​​their own little bit,  exactly 2500 tenge for taking part in the race, but there were also people who lowered in the boxes with money much more significant amount.

BKS race in Almaty was held for the first time, therefore, it was not without some limitations, but the organizers are looking to the future optimistically. The next year in Astana it will be the fifth anniversary of the semi marathon and in Almaty the second BKS race and as "growing up" of these activities the organization will be better and better, and the number of participants, sponsors and partners will increase every year.