27-10-2012  GOLD HEART

Today at the Opera and Ballet Theatre named by Abay held sixth, which became a good tradition, ceremony of awarding the prize "Altyn Zhurek." This award in 2007 established a president of a public fund "Baurzhan" Zhuldyz Omarbekova.  Over the years the award "Altyn Zhurek" became one of the most prestigious awards in the field of charity, not only in Kazakhstan but also in the entire Central Asian region. In different years various people became the award recipients, but all these people were united in not indifferent attitude to those who were in a difficult life situation. But the main inherent in the title of the award, that is a gold heart. The existence of the award made a great contribution to the education of charity traditions in our country in general, and thus make our world kinder. 

This year, the akim deputy of the Sarykol district, Kostanai region Soldat Dutpaev nominated a president of our fund Aidan Tuleutaevnu Suleimenovu for awarding the prize "Altyn Zhurek" in the nomination "For contribution to the development of health care." We would like to remind you that the "AYALA" fund rendered a great help to the Sarykol village in several projects. Thus, in central regional hospital was transferred a large number of therapeutic and diagnostic medical equipment, the building of village kindergarten "Ball Dauren" was renovated,  fully renovated children's sports school, sports equipment for boxing was transferred to it after the repair.

Expert Commission of "Altyn Zhurek" Award after a thorough examination of the application, received from Kostanai region, and taking into account all the projects in the field of children's health, which were implemented by our fund, decided to award Aidan Suleimenovu with premium.  Another award that our fund received, again proves the recognition of merits in the field of charity. It also serves as a further evidence of the social efficiency of the work, which the fund is conducting more than five years.