Today, in the auditorium of boarding school named by Ostrovski for the blind and visually impaired children held a solemn ceremony dedicated to the 80th anniversary since the founding of the institution.  For 80 years in the school blind and visually impaired children received education, many of whom later successfully finished higher educational institutions and worked and work in various fields.

The celebration was attended by representatives of different organizations: the Department of Education, National Pedagogical University, "Nur Otan" party, "Ustaz" trade union, public and charity funds. All of these organizations have provided and provide continuing assistance to pupils, teachers and the entire boarding-school. Guests came to the anniversary with gifts, and our fund as well. For boarding school’s pupils, especially for the blind, we passed a large number of specific equipment. Among the gifts chess, checkers and other board games, specially adapted for the blind people.  Furthermore, for sports activities we presented to the boarding school one football ball, three volleyball and three basketball balls that make sounds for blind players. Especially pleased with this gift were teachers who deal with the blind children. Our fund with awarding of these essential gifts began the celebration of the Universal Children's Day, which is celebrated on 20th of November. 

Especially warmly was greeted Flyura Muhtarovna Batyrova, the president of Friends Club of «AYALA" fund.  Recall that exactly the Friends Club built in a boarding school comfortable and modern children's playground last year.   Flyura Muhtarovna also did not come empty-handed. From a network of restaurants "Mamamia" and «Ciao pizza» on the anniversary day it was brought 100 hot delicious pizzas.

On the anniversary day many of the boarding school’s employees were awarded diplomas. Sponsors and partners presented to the boarding school named by Ostrowski office equipment, musical equipment, and items of decorative art. Especially for guests the boarding school’s pupils have prepared a big celebratory concert. To congratulate children the Kazakhstan pop stars also came, who prepared their performance for all guests, children and for the staff of the boarding school.