26-11-2012  WORLD CHILDREN

Today the holiday participants were students of 7-8 grades of boarding school ? 8 for children with mental disabilities. The holiday program included visiting of the cinema, where the cartoon "Keepers of the Dream” was shown. Free viewing for our children provided KinoPark, the children were delighted with the film. This was followed by the lunch at the food court of SEC “Globus”. Hamburger menu kindly supplied fast-food restaurants LFC and Mr. Burger & Pizza. By tradition, at the end of the holiday, the participants were received from the charity fund "AYALA" small gifts - DVD with children's films.

We are confident, that the children will remember this World Children's Day for a long time, because in the "normal" life pupils of boarding school rarely have the opportunity to spend their leisure time so saturated. Educators and pupils warmly thanked the staff of the fund for organizing such an enjoyable event.

Volunteers who helped to hold this holiday at this time were exchange students from Kyrgyzstan Daniyar Diana, Dinara Erkinbayeva, Ayjarkyn Arziyeva and a 1st year student of KazALaSA Enlik Nurym. According to statistics, in spite of the poverty, charity in Kyrgyzstan ahead Kazakhstan. We hope that this situation will soon improve in the country.