Today, we again convinced that charity can take various forms, and everyone can find a way to help those, who are in need. Kazakh State Academic Theater for Children and Youth named by G.Musrepov provided an opportunity for pupils of special (correctional) boarding school #7 for children with intellectual disabilities to join the art. To our pupils were donated 30 tickets to New Year show. Generally, most pupils of special (correctional) schools – are often children from low-income and single-parent families. In real life, they rarely have access to children's performances and festivals, so New Year's performance in the Youth Theatre was for these children a bright and memorable event. Arriving after the performance to the boarding school, young viewers for a long time shared with friends and teachers with their impression.

We hope that our cooperation with the Kazakh Theater for children and Youth will continue and take this opportunity we want to wish to all of the theater staff success, new histrionic discoveries and financial stability.