Today in the state philharmonic named after Zhambyl, an accounting concert of dance studio NIKA and music- show theater "Tansari" held. These children's groups long and actively involved in various charity events. To the concert children from orphanages number 1 and number 2 were invited. Director of the NIKA dance school came to our fund with a proposal to organize classes for orphans. The "AYALA" fund long ago passed to an interesting shape of assistance to orphanages. 

We have understood that the state fully provides orphanages with all necessary, and our fund is trying to help children find themselves in life. We have conducted and conduct in the orphanages various activities for career guidance of pupils. Our volunteers work with children in a variety of fields - from sports clubs to language courses. And just before, the head of the school Alla Sergeevna visited these orphanages and conducted an original cast to her school among pupils. Talented children were selected for classes at the school; they are now able to engage in the dance school for free. Classes in the NIKA school could be the way to profession for children in orphanages.

Concert at the philharmonic was at the highest level, the colorful costumes of the dancers, clear voices of the members of the "Tansari" group have not left the audience indifferent. We separately thank the Russian Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the gifts to our children in orphanages. The children were presented a large number of interesting books.