Varietas delectat



The representative of our foundation in Astana Xenia Filimonova together with volunteers from the company «KPMG in Kazakhstan" Maira Tursunbekova and Anna Babinec organized a Nauryz celebrations for children of special (correctional) boarding school for children with intellectual disabilities in Astana. All the celebration was attended by 182 pupils. For children, boarding school staff and guests a magical bubble show was arranged. Animators, who also participated in the holiday, left no one indifferent. Funny skits, humorous quizzes, jokes and games with the children raised a mood on a very high altitude.

National traditions were not forgotten. The hall was decorated with a stylized yurt. The pupils have prepared their performance.  In the hall sounded folk songs, on the makeshift stage children danced folk dances in beautiful costumes.

An “Assorti” restaurant covered tables for all children with a traditional treats of Nauryz holiday. We thank the management of the restaurant that these treats children received free of charge. Also want to thank the agency "Courage" in the face of Galuzinskaya N.A. and Krachkovskaya I.N. and the company «KPMG in Kazakhstan" for helping to organize the colorful children's holiday. The representative of the company «KPMG in Kazakhstan" Maira Tursunbekova performed with congratulations.

The staff of the boarding school were very satisfied with the organization of the holiday, because such events contribute to achieve the main objectives of this educational institution. Movable fun games and quizzes contribute to the development of the central nervous system of children, and, therefore, increase the chances of a full socialization of pupils.

But the greatest joy was brought to boys and girls who are living and studying in the special (correctional) boarding school. These children rarely become objects of patrons’ attention, and by this holiday we want to get their attention.