Every fourth citizen of Kazakhstan is born in South Kazakhstan



The project “Breathe, baby” came to South Kazakhstan. South Kazakhstan region – is the leader in birthrate. According to statistics, every fourth citizen of Kazakhstan was born in South Kazakhstan. But along with this, infant mortality rate exceeds the average national index. The project “Breathe, baby” of “AYALA” charity fund aims to help in equipping with modern equipment children's resuscitation departments of perinatal centers and maternity homes. In SKR, in contrast to other regions, there is not only one regional perinatal center (RPC), such medical institutions in south Kazakhstan 4, 3 of them are in Shymkent, one is in Turkestan. RPC ? 1 serves 12 districts, here concentrated the most severe cases of obstetric practice.

Under the project “Breathe, baby” RPC ? 1 of Shymkent received CPAP breathing apparatus, phototherapy devices, syringe dispensers, scales, mobile X-ray machine and other medical equipment. The cost of all the equipment is 14 399 880. Doctors, staff of pediatric resuscitation highly appreciated equipment received under the project "Breathe, baby".  This equipment will help provide more effective medical care to premature infants.

Pleased to note that the ceremony of transferring of the equipment was attended by journalists of local TV channels and newspapers. The mission of the "AYALA" charity fund – is to promote charitable activities in general. The most important in the charity is the fact of local people’s participation in acts of kindness. In our view, the term "Small Homeland" should be for Kazakhstan people one of the priorities when choosing a place of charity. However, the sponsors of the project "Breathe, baby" in Shymkent for RPC ? 1 became Almaty «Trade Commerce Oil» company and Interiors House «Dialin». We hope that the example of Almaty businessmen will inspire entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens in the beautiful Shymkent city. And together they will help the rest perinatal centers in Shymkent.

All employees of the "AYALA" charity fund confident that the republican project "Breathe, baby" will be completed in the near future. We encourage all of the Kazakhstan people to take an active part in this. We want to remind that you can participate in charity, being in any place, having in hand only a mobile phone connected to the Beeline.  Short number 1462 of this operator allows any subscriber to make a contribution to the project "Breathe, baby". Even just an empty message to this number will send 100 tenge to our project. The quantity of messages is not limited.