A globe is not just a sphere, the globe is much more than that.

The good news appeared in the "In a healthy body - healthy mind" and "The Cabinet of therapeutic exercises" projects.  Today we transferred to a boarding school #9 for children with severe speech disorders, to a boarding school #17 for children from low-income, single parent and disadvantage families and boarding school for children with behavioral problems football balls, each of the boarding schools received sports equipment. The football game – is one of the favorite activities of pupils of all children educational institutions, because football is the most popular game in the world. Physical training and sport – is an integral part of the harmonious personality development of boarding schools’ pupils. These exercises increase not only the level of physical health, but also contribute to the spiritual development, especially when it relates to such qualities as perseverance, sense of purpose and persistence. We believe that the development of these qualities in the future will allow pupils to find their place in life.

Except football balls, to the cabinets of therapeutic exercises of orphanages #1, #2 and #7 and in the polyclinic the special large-diameter balls and small balls with pimples were transferred. Both of these very specific balls are indispensable tools for physical therapy. Specialists of the therapeutic exercises cabinets always glad to see such gifts, because these "tools" have "the habit of going out of order". 12 large and 30 small balls were transferred in all. It is the gift from a private individual.

We passed the sports and medical equipment to those institutions, we have assisted more than once, and  we would like to emphasize the systemic assistance of the "AYALA" foundation to our wards.