«It is a holiday with gray hair at the temples»

Vladimir Kharitonov, the song «Victory Day»


The main activity of our foundation is to help the children's medical and educational institutions, but in recent years we can not ignore the veterans of the World War II.

In this case, the "AYALA" foundation still adheres to a fundamental part of the charity - education of requirements to help people. This is especially regard to children and young people. In this smart shopping BeSmart service repeatedly helped and helps us. As you know, the vast majority of users of such services are young people who have the opportunity to take part in charity with the help of the Internet. The BeSmart service organizes charity actions for the benefit of our foundation on the eve of various events, including the eve of the Great Victory. This year, 112,424 tenge has been collected during the action. The money we gave to 11 veterans of Medeu region. In addition, the foundation has presented itself a vitamin and tasty fruit set in a beautiful basket to each veteran.

Each veteran also received an another little souvenir made ​​with hands of children from boarding school ? 1 for children with hearing impairment, ? 7 for children with intellectual disabilities and orphanage ? 2. In this case, we explained to the children, who exactly will receive these small gifts. All this was done to ensure that children never forget the great feat of the older generation, who saved mankind from the horrors of fascism.

We thank the social workers of Medeu district akimat of the Almaty city for the information about the veterans who most need help.

This small project became a part of a chain of events that the "AYALA" charitable foundation organized in the framework of the project “Let do good deeds”. With this project we want to show everyone that the charity is not necessarily large-scale and expensive events. Good deeds can be done without many physical, moral and material forces.