We are very pleased that in the Republic of Kazakhstan with each year are becoming more and more people who are not indifferent to the fate of children who find themselves in a difficult life situation.  In this case, these words refer to the inmates of orphanages. Recall the history of these medical institutions. In the orphanages are living, bringing up and treating children aged from 0 to 5 years old. Most of these children suffer from different diseases, so the help of doctors is just vital for them. In recent years the number of patients of the orphanages, fortunately, decreases. Therefore, the number of orphanages reduced. Currently, in Almaty there are only two. During the existence of our foundation one of the orphanages was closed, and it is very pleased.

On the eve of International Children's Day, which for many years has become an occasion for good deeds, we were approached by Lyailya Sakieva and she offered to provide our wards with a large number of educational toys that we decided to give to orphanages  ? 1 and ? 2 in Almaty city.

On the 31st of May at the orphanage ? 1, located in the very center of the Almaty, held a touching children's holiday, which was attended by the tiny residents of the house, educators and medical workers.

Employees of the orphanage said warm words of gratitude to Lyailya Sakieva for the significant contribution that she has made. Educational games are very important for the pupils, because they increase the chances of getting into the families of those children who can be adopted.