Today, within the annual charity action of the "Chevron" company, a solemn ceremony of certificates awarding for the equipment and inventory for children's health, social and educational institutions of the Astana city held.

Certificates for the equipment were awarded to the city children's hospital ? 1, to the center of rehabilitation of minors, special (correctional) boarding school, children's psycho neurological medical-social institution and to family-type orphanage. 

To the children's hospital a large amount of equipment for the therapeutic exercise cabinet, diagnostic and therapeutic medical devices were transferred and a sensory room was equipped.

On the territory of the boarding school a colorful sports and playground was established, equipment for physical training and sports were purchased.

To the children's psycho neurological institution «Eduplay» and «Multikid» multimedia educational complexes, water-musical mattress, physiotherapy apparatus, and an orthopedic chair were presented. Family-type orphanage received equipment and inventory for teaching children the initial military science. It was repaired and bought new furniture for the sewing workshop.

For the center of minors’ rehabilitation furniture, household and office equipment, professional musical instruments and equipment for medical cabinet were purchased.

The ceremony of certificates awarding adorned girls from the NIKA dance school, who specially came to the ceremony from the Almaty city. The performance was charitable. Professional dances and colorful costumes satisfied everybody, who presented at the holiday.

Two young singers of the musical group “Magic fly” treat guests with their sonorous voices and touching songs in three languages. In appreciation, the "AYALA" foundation and the "Chevron" company prepared for leaders and participants of the concert chocolate sets. In addition, for girls from Almaty, we conducted a sightseeing and informative tour in the capital of our country - Astana.

After the completion of the solemn ceremony there was a dinner, where we were able in the informal atmosphere talk with the heads of hospitals and schools that received the long-awaited gifts. There were very warm words of gratitude, and we, in our turn, shared with doctors and teachers with problems and joys of charity activities.