In Shuchinsk-Borovskaya resort area ​​a “Rixos-Borovoe 2013” charity bike ride with the participation of Olympic champion Alexander Vinokurov, as well as with top managers of large local and foreign companies and representatives of government agencies held. The bike ride was attended by over than 130 people.

The bike ride organized by the «Rixos Lake Borovoe» hotel together with the "AYALA" charity foundation with the support of Akimat of the Akmola region. The length of the route is 30 km. However, several participants of the ride led by Alexander Vinokurov went this route twice.

Goal of the action is to promote eco-tourism in the "Switzerland of Kazakhstan" - Shuchinsk-Borovskaya resort area, and the collection of funds for equipment for the Pediatric resuscitation of the Regional Perinatal Center in Kokshetau.  Regional Perinatal Center in Kokshetau and resuscitation department has been long in need of modern equipment. Every year it received more than 4,000 births. Preterm infants comprise about 80% of all infant deaths. Infant mortality is 1.5%, with a significant proportion of the death cause is respiratory distress syndrome.

At the moment, the department of pediatric resuscitation of the Regional Perinatal Center in Kokshetau needs to purchase breathing apparatus, syringe doser, an X-ray machine, and infusion pump with a total cost of 11.5 mln.

The Olympic champion, general manager of «Astana ProTeam» cycling team Alexander Vinokurov said: "As soon as I found out that such sports event planned, immediately agreed to come. Why? Firstly, a noble goal – is to raise funds for the perinatal department of the regional hospital. Secondly, a great idea – is to gather a variety of cycling enthusiasts to ride in the friendly company. And thirdly, a wonderful place – is the Borovoe resort with its amazing nature and medical air".

Vice President for Development of international Rixos hotel chain Volkan Shimshek said: "For the first time in Borovoe the race with such a large number of cyclists is held. From the beginning, we wanted to link this bike ride with a noble goal, and with great joy selected "Breathe, baby" project. We are pleased that as a result of the bike ride will not only be good mood of its participants, but also saved lives of tens newborn residents of Akmola region".

Members and guests of the charity bike ride have made individual donations. Corporate donations have made the big companies - Beeline Kazakhstan, Altyntau Resources, «Verny Capital», Forte Bank, Kassa Nova Bank, etc. In addition, a charity auction, where were exhibited lots from the «Rixos Lake Borovoe» hotel and Alexander Vinokurov, including his bike on which he won the race on a few races was held. Things of the Olympic champion as a result of trading were sold for a total of more than 5 million tenge.

Thus, it was possible to collect the full amount - 11.5 million tenge needed to equip the department of pediatric resuscitation at the Regional Perinatal Center in Kokshetau.

All proceeds will be donated to the republican "AYALA" charity foundation, which for the past six years under the "Breathe, baby" project is engaged in equipping of regional perinatal centers in Kazakhstan.

Vice-President of the "AYALA" charity foundation Zhangeldy Sarsenov said: “The "Breathe, baby" project is one of the most important for our foundation, and today a huge contribution to the realization of this project made. New medical equipment that will be purchased by funds, collected by members of the bike ride and placed in the pediatric resuscitation of the regional perinatal center of Kokshetau city will foster premature and weakened children, and thereby increase the survival rate of premature infants weighing less than 1,000 grams is almost 5 times".

The holding of this the bike ride will not only help save lives of newborns residents of the Akmola region, but also to attract the attention of the Kazakhstan business elite to tourism within Kazakhstan, the opportunity of high-level service for a comfortable and memorable stay in the native country.