Administration of the children's polyclinic #14 organized an Open Doors Day for the disabled children. On this day every child, most of whom live in low-income families, was able to get a specialist advice of a narrow profile. A neurologist, orthopedist, ophthalmologist, speech therapist and other doctors received patients. In order to open day did not become a routine event, children's drawing competition, a concert with the participation of employees of hospitals and schools nearby were organized.

For children with disabilities, this day was a real holiday.  Our foundation was made assistant to the good initiative. We have prepared gifts for the children, like toys, educational games and other things that cannot always afford low-income families. We support the view of doctors who believe that "disability – is a problem ? 1 in the modern world, but no one should stay away from those who are in need of our help - disabled children".

The participation of our fund in such projects fit into one of the concepts of our work. Charity is not necessary burdening expensive. Yes, there are projects that are not cost very expensive, but they do not lose their effectiveness. “To special children – special attention”, “Let’s do good deeds”, "Day of Smile" and similar projects prove that it is possible to bring good to children, the main thing is to know where to direct your charitable intentions. The cost of gifts – is 17,000 tenge.