Tradition of the BKS races caught the capital of Great Britain, one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the world - London. About the "Breathe, baby" project of our foundation taught Kazakhstan students, diplomats, employees of Kazakhstan companies, which representative offices are located in this city. Initiator of the BKS races in Astana, Almaty and London Gauhar Bramley-Fenton is the executive director of the British-Kazakh Society (BKS), whose members are Kazakhstan people with something related to the United Kingdom and the British people, related with our country.  Raising money in favor of the "Breathe, baby" project during the charity races has been held for two years in a row. BKS races in 2012 helped implement socially significant project which helped the Department of Pediatric resuscitation of the Regional Perinatal Center in Petropavlovsk.  The money collected during the 2013 BKS races will be used to purchase vital equipment in the regional perinatal center of Uralsk.

The "Breathe, baby" project is coming to an end. For today all funds are collected to complete this ambitious project. Within five years, the sponsors and partners of the "AYALA" foundation were different organizations, both commercial and public. The famous Kazakhstan musicians and athletes attended in fundraising. A considerable amount has been collected from the boxes located in the "Kaganat" network of canteens, ticket offices of "Air Astana", major shopping centers, popular restaurants and other places where people of Kazakhstan and guests of our country like to spend their free time.

In total, during the race in London for the "Breathe, baby" was collected 958,283 tenge. The money was received during the online registration of runners. Sponsors of the race in London were “Air Astana”, A-Global Resources PLC and the National Bank of Kazakhstan. Route of the race was held in the famous and picturesque London's Hyde Park. In the complex intricacies of distance, volunteers placed at the nodal points helped runners. Many thanks are to Kazakhstan Student Society in the UK for their help in organizing the BKS race and for volunteer participation. The winners of the race Zhandos Baygonyrov and Arina Andryushina received from the "Air Astana" airline the opportunity to fly from London to Almaty or Astana to choose from and back.  In addition, prizes were a designer dress from Aika Alemi, the book “London Astana EXPO”, certificate for visiting the Cooking Studio Compote and national souvenir from Kazakhstan.

We thank all those who were not indifferent to the realization of the "Breathe, baby" project, which really helps the doctors to save the lives of premature babies.