We conduct the World children's day for children who need special attention. Our foundation is trying to think up such activities which will be unusual and interesting for the children from orphanages and boarding schools. Today, we took 27 children from the orphanage #1 in the Almaty city to the Hawaii water park. Children from orphanage very rarely have the opportunity to spend leisure time in such a place. Swimming pools, water slides, a warm jacuzzi were a pleasant surprise for the children. About World children's day know the vast majority of the wards of orphanages and boarding schools, but that this day can be so unusual, they had no idea. Educators accompanying children also were pleasantly surprised by an unusual holiday.

The “AYAL” charity foundation wants to make the World Children's Day, the Day of spontaneous acts of kindness, the World Day of cartoons, the World Theatre Day and other significant dates a reason for the good, warm and unusual deeds for those children who left without parental care.