Traditionally our foundation celebrates the World Children's Day the whole of November. For small groups of children, we organize different events on this holiday. In Almaty, this year is celebrated as the year of the environment protection and therefore the majority of children's holiday this year we spend outdoors. Today, 28 pupils of the boarding school #10 in Almaty for children from low-income families with the teachers and the project coordinator of the foundation Dinara Muratova went to a Chimbulak ski resort. We brought the children to the Medeo and here began scenic journey by cable car to Chimbulak. Children and teachers enthusiastically watched the beauty of our mountains underneath.

In the city the weather is warm, but the Chimbulak slopes are covered with snow. The vast majority of children and teachers were on the slope of the Chimbulak for first time. Everyone enjoyed taking pictures on the background of beautiful scenery. Played in the snow enough, the children were invited to dinner at an Assorti restaurant. The children really liked the varied lunch, which consisted of many types of pizza, fries, chicken, desserts and other dishes and drinks. And as the treats were very generous, lots of food children took with them to the orphanage.  On the back way the children went tired and well-fed. Already in the bus educational games were presented to the children - puzzles, table hockey and others. All participants of the World Children's Day, the children of 4-5 grades and teachers were very satisfied with the trip.

We would like to thank the administration of the Assorti restaurant chain Topzhar Esbolovich Dzhamalbekov, as well as all employees of the restaurant for their help in various projects of the foundation, including in the World Children's Day. Lunch for children was provided to us free of charge. We also express our sincere appreciation to the administration of the Chimbulak ski resort for free travel on the Medeo ice rink and back. 55,000 tenge were spent on gifts and transport. We are confident that the small budgets of children's holidays can overpower any successful person. We invite all people to support the "Let's do good deeds" project.