Today, in the boardroom of the Kazakh National Agrarian University hosted a gala concert, on which was summed up the November competition among mothers of Medeu region. This competition consisted of two stages. 2 weeks ago it was among mothers of children with disabilities, and on the 20th of November it held among mothers of many children. On the competitive stage mothers showed many of their talents - the ability to cook, sew, knit, sing, dance, read poems and more. Children actively helped mothers to show their talents. But competition is competition, and each day of the competition three winners were determined. And today, during the gala concert was held awarding ceremony for the winners and to everyone who took the three places below.  The “AYALA” foundation and our partners from the Gloria Inc. travel agency were sponsors.  We presented LCD TVs to the mothers who took first places, another sponsor handed to the medalists modern vacuum cleaners and microwave ovens. Our foundation presented to all participants 20 000 tenge in beautiful envelopes - postcards. All participants, who ranked places from 4 to 10, received from us beautiful, tasty and healthy "bouquet" of fragrant fruit. Employees of the department of social protection and employment of the Medeu region akimat warmly thanked the representatives of the foundation and the Gloria Inc. travel agency for the assistance. To conduct the awarding the "AYALA" foundation and the Gloria Inc. travel agency spent 470,009 tenge.