The whole November our foundation celebrated the World Children's Day. This tradition we started four years ago, and if in now distant 2010 we spent only one celebratory event, this year such holidays were 10 - 8 in Almaty and 2 Astana. Recall that for us the World Children's Day became another reason of charity. Calendar of international events gives us a lot of reasons for organizing fun and educational activities for children from orphanages and boarding schools. The “AYALA” charity foundation’s “Let’s do good deeds” project allows at any time of the year organize children's holidays. This year we celebrated the World Cartoons Day, International Theatre Day, the Day of spontaneous acts of kindness, and others.

Today, primary school pupils of the boarding school ? 10 in Almaty for children from poor families watched "To Save Santa" Christmas cartoon in the Caesar cinema, and then for the children was a festive lunch at the "Chocolate" coffeehouse. Real decoration of the table became a cake based on the popular "Cars" children cartoon. Educational board games, puzzles as gifts to the children became the logical culmination of the World Children's Day 2013. For us this holiday budget amounted to 45 000 tenge for gifts and transportation. Cinema tickets and festive lunch, our friends from the Caesar cinema and the "Chocolate" coffeehouse provided free of charge. And we, on behalf of all of our children express sincere gratitude to all our partners who helped to celebrate the World Children's Day in 2013.