Our foundation was very pleased with initiative of pupils of international "Miras" school. In early November, 5C grade pupils took the initiative to raise funds for the "To special children - special attention" project of our foundation. Under this project it was planned to equip with a whiteboard special (correctional) boarding school ? 4 in Almaty for the blind and visually impaired children. This advanced equipment will help teachers and children of the boarding school to make the educational process more interesting.

We have installed on the “Miras” school territory two boxes to collect money. We did not expect that our boxes will attract so much attention and cause so much interest of boys and girls of the school. Children willing contributed, carefully studied booklets with information about the project and even arranged photosets near the boxes of the "AYALA" foundation. A couple of days after installing the boxes, we received a call of representatives of the 5B grade parents' committee and they said the news that their class has collected the necessary amount for the purchase of interactive whiteboards, and this is 318 000 tenge. 

In a week in the boxes installed in “Miras” was collected 172 880 tenge. And also boys and girls from 7-11 grades advanced the initiative. On the 7th of December at the “Ramstor” supermarket in the “Mega” SEC children organized an unusual event to raise money for charity. Pupils of the “Miras” school helped supermarket shoppers to put their purchases in pockets. Participants of the action were telling their "clients" about the "To special children - special attention" project of the "AYALA" charity foundation. Within 2 hours children managed to collect 113 000 tenge. This money and the money collected in the boxes, we decided to send on a package of another interactive whiteboard for the boarding school ? 4.  Such a board should be in each class, but because it is expensive, interactive whiteboards, still a rarity in the social institutions. In early 2014, we, together with the pupils of the international "Miras" school plan to transfer these boards to the children of the boarding school ? 4. This innovative project will help visually impaired children to be in a trend of modern education.

Teachers and pupils of the “Miras” school really liked to take part in the project of the "AYALA" charity foundation, they promised to cooperate with our foundation in the future. Our mission – is education of culture and traditions of charity in the Republic of Kazakhstan.  And we are very pleased that such young citizens of our country actively and sincerely responded and helped us in realizing of one of the projects of the foundation.