Today,in a special (correctional) boarding school ? 4 in Almaty for the blind and visually impaired children a solemn ceremony of transferring interactive whiteboards for classrooms held. Thiseducational equipment became possible to purchase with the active participation of pupils of the International "Miras" school in Almaty.

5Cclass initiated a large-scale charity event at the school. It was decided to send all collected funds forthe purchase of interactive whiteboard for the boarding school ? 4 for the blind and visually impaired children in the framework of "To special children - special attention" project of the "AYALA" charity foundation. In our country there are a large number of educational institutions for children with various diseases and pathological conditions. The "To special children - special attention" project combines assistance to specialized boarding schools for children with impaired vision, hearing, intellectual development.  Within the framework of this project, the “AYALA” foundation renders assistance to special schools: equips sports halls and physiotherapy cabinets, helps libraries, workshops, social and domestic orientation rooms, as well as purchases innovative educational equipment.

In the “Miras” school boxes to raise money were installed, guys actively promoted the process of collecting funds. Boys and girls are willinglymake contributions, carefully studied the booklets with information about the project, even arranged photosets next to boxes of the "AYALA" foundation. In a few days after installing boxes parent committee representatives of a 5B class announced that their class has collected the necessary amount for the purchase of one interactive whiteboard, and this 318 000 tenge. For a week in boxes installed in the “Miras” was collected 172 880 tenge.  

Also, boys and girls of 7-11 grades appeared with an interesting initiative. On the 7th of December, 2013 in the "Ramstor" supermarket childrenhelped supermarket shoppers to fold their purchases, telling to the "clients" about the project "To special children - special attention". Within 2 hours activists managed to collect 113 000 tenge. This money and money collected in the box we decided to send for a purchase of another interactive whiteboard for the boarding school ? 4. This board should be in each class, but because of its expensiveness, interactive whiteboards, still a rarity in our social institutions. In all, for two interactive whiteboards and computers for them, the "AYALA" foundation sent 910 670 tenge.

On the experience ofthe "AYALA" charity foundation the latest educational equipment becomes a significant contribution to ensure that lessons have become interesting both for children and for teachers.  

Participation ofpupils of the International "Miras" school and their parents in the charity was a good lesson both for children and adults.  

At theceremony of delivery of the new educational equipment came children who participated in fundraising activities, their teachers, as well as members of the parent committee of the most active classes. Pupils of the boarding school ?4 in appreciation conducted an open lesson and prepared a small concert, it was a pleasant surprise for all participants of the ceremony. In addition, all guests of the holiday could get acquainted with a small exposition of sculptures made ​​by childrenunder the supervision of the Kasteev museum.

In conclusion ofthe festive event, teachers of the International "Miras" school and director of the boarding school almost reached a gentlemen's agreement about taking by the students of the "Miras" school a patronage over the boarding school in various fields.