Today in the Almaty orphanage #2 was a New Year holiday. And although the date is far from the traditional calendar of the New Year, we with children and representatives of the Samsung celebrated the New Year on the Eastern calendar. The Samsung Company is a longtime partner of our foundation and today to the city orphanages #1 and #2, as well as regional orphanage #1 gave the most modern and "smart" TVs.

South Korean Samsung Electronics Company is known for being actively involved in charitable projects. Leader in the high-tech technology many times confirmed its position in the field of consumer electronics, computers and mobile phones. Today the Samsung Company in partnership with the "AYALA" charity foundation decided to contribute to the "Let's do good deeds" project. Recall that the project aims to popularize a wide variety of holidays.

The Samsung Company has passed three of such TVs to the city children's hospital #1, the National Research Center of Surgery named after Syzganov and children's "Aksai" hospital. This happened in the autumn of 2013. Televisions have become a favorite place of leisure of children and parents who are in hospitals.

Letter asking for assistance was wrote by workers of a 'local' self- government of the orphanage #2. Into this management includes not only adults but also children who are actively involved in all matters of leadership of the orphanage. Samsung Company has taken into account this point and decided to help not only the orphanage #2, but other children's educational institutions.

Director of the Almaty orphanage #2 Akmaral Baubekovna Shataeva in turn, said: "We are always happy to cooperate with the "AYALA" charity foundation, especially when sponsors assist our children. The orphanage #2 regularly receives from the foundation and its partners necessary and useful gifts. I want especially mention high qualification of employees of the foundation in the work with us and other educational institutions".     

The Samsung Company has firmly taken the leadership position in the market of not only mobile communication devices, but also in the production of monitors, TV sets, video players and household appliances. A leading player in the market should be the leader in everything, including charitable activities. "On behalf of Samsung Electronics Company, let me congratulate all of Kazakhstan children with Eastern New Year and wish them good health, success in school, as well as fulfillment of dreams. We will try to do everything for it", - said the president of Samsung Electronics Kazakhstan and Central Asia, Mr. Syn Sik Choi.

Vice-President of the "AYALA" foundation Zhangeldy Sarsenov said about the charitable gesture of Samsung Company: “Leisure of children in social children institutions is very important. General political news, educational channels contribute to increase the chances of social adaptation of pupils. High quality modern TVs have in this process an essential mean. In addition, the TV picture in high resolution less detrimental effect on children's vision”.

During the ceremony, was raised the question about the organization of social and living orientation rooms in institutions of education.  Skillful organization of their own life is very significant for children because growing up – is a natural part of life, and it is very important in everyday adaptation for independence. Representatives of Samsung Electronics Company said that this aspect of charity is very interesting and promised to consider all the possibilities for cooperation. 

In gratitude, children from the orphanage #2 made a short concert with vivid and memorable plays. On behalf of the foundation, we would like to thank the teachers and separately Ilya and Rahim, the inmates of the orphanage. Samsung Electronics Company except TVs prepared tasty gifts for all pupils. Children living in the orphanage #2, treated with delicious cakes and fruit.

By its example, the Samsung Company shows simple forms of charity. Domestic businessmen, companies and successful people, in our opinion, should carefully examine and get accustomed with the most different forms of manifestation of good.