Today in the regional children's multidisciplinary hospital of Uralsk city a solemn ceremony of transferring of new equipment to the resuscitation department and intensive care held. Inthe hospital a CPAP breathing apparatus to help preterm infants, phototherapy devices and noninvasive bilirubin analyzer in the blood of children were transferred.

This event– is a part of a major "Breathe life" project. The project was launched by the "AYALA" foundation in 2007 in a city children's clinical hospital of infectious diseases in Almaty city. The equipment, which for several yearswas transferred to the resuscitation department, increased the level of medical care to children in critical condition. Indicative became a figure of reducing child mortality in the hospital after the installation of medical and diagnostic equipment in the resuscitation department - mortality rate for children decreased in 4 (!) times. Influence of resuscitation equipping in children's hospitals at improving of common indicators became the reason for expanding the geography of the "Breathe life" project. In fact, the "Breathe Life" projectis a logical continuation of the republican "Breathe, baby" project.  Currently, tiny patients of children’s resuscitation departments of maternity hospitals and perinatal centers are transferred to an intensive care unit of regional children's hospitals or because of a weakened immune system become patients of pediatric infectious hospitals. Under the "Breathe, baby" project resuscitation departments of perinatal centers received a large amount of equipment that helps save the life of weak children, in such departments of multidisciplinary regional hospitals deficiency can be fatal to a child.

The CPAPbreathing apparatus helps to maintain vital functions of preterm infants, providing a high enough pressure on exhalation. This fact allowsthe alveoli of underdeveloped lungs not fallen down at this moment. Apparatus for phototherapy help to fight with jaundice without medication, and do without a replace blood transfusion operation. Rapid elimination of elevated levels of bilirubin in the baby's blood helps prevent severe toxic effects on the brain, and thus ultimately contributes to the intellectual future of our country. A “Bilichek” apparatus for noninvasive determination of bilirubin will help doctors determine the number of patients who primarily need phototherapy. Consequently, all the equipment that the "AYALA" charity foundation conveys to the Uralsk regional multidisciplinary hospital, fold in a single set of high-tech help to little patients.

Once again, theNational Bank of Kazakhstan was a partner of the "AYALA" charity foundation in the implementation of socially significant medical project. The National Bank has been involved in such foundation’s projects as "I also want to live" for the development of pediatric cardiac surgery, in the "Breathe, baby" project, which was mentioned above. Very important was the financing of the "Health of the nation begins with a maternity home" project, carried out in maternity homes and central regional hospitals in Almaty region. Their participation in charitable projects, theNational Bank always confirms its name of "national". On a project to help children's resuscitation department of the Uralsk regional multidisciplinary hospital the bank transferred 5,555,900 tenge.

Director of the Uralskregional children’s multidisciplinary hospital Arman KALIBEKOV said: “We are pleased that the "Breathe, baby" project which assist children's resuscitation departments of perinatal centers got its continuation.  The “Breathe life” within which today we received the actual medical equipment, will be a great help in our work. Nice to see that doctors, who are working incharity, do not disregard their colleagues and try to provide the most effective assistance”.

"Wecarefully chose a new large-scale project, because we are talking about huge sums. Our foundation has always been guided by the principle of effective charity, and this means that we offer to potential sponsors programs that will help save more than a dozen lives. In my opinion, we are helpingour colleagues to do the maximum possible to provide high quality medical care, and it is very important, especially in the field of pediatric medicine", - said Zhangeldy SARSENOV, Vice President of the "AYALA" charity foundation.

Example of participationof Kazakhstan's business leaders in charitable projects is a positive message for all participants of the national market. The "AYALA" charity foundation hopes that this practice will become the norm for all Kazakhstan people.