Today the "AYALA" charity foundation transferred to West Kazakhstan regional perinatal center in Uralsk city medical equipment designed to help premature babies and newborn with various health pathologies.

In the list of equipment – are CPAP breathing apparatus, fetal monitors, resuscitation tables, X-ray machine, which will help in the diagnosis of different pathologies of newborns.

In the regional perinatal center more than 5 thousand of children are born in a year. Here under the supervision of doctors are parturient women, who are at risk of premature birth or birth of babies with pathologies, including such with extremely low body weight. Babies born weighing less than 1000 grams, is traditionally considered one of the most difficult patients in the pediatric resuscitation. The most common health disorder of these children is breathing disorders. CPAP breathing apparatus are successfully solve most of these problems, and resuscitation tables and fetal monitors help in the treatment process. Special X-ray machine allows carrying out diagnosis of various diseases at an early stage with minimal impact on the body of newborns.

Republican "Breathe, baby" project has helped save thousands of lives. It united many noble people and companies that are making an invaluable contribution to the protection of lives of newborn citizen of Kazakhstan. From the outset the constant and active support was provided by Kaspi bank. Other banks, companies and associations are participated in the project. So, the "Breathe, baby" Uralsk" was supported by British-Kazakh Society (BKS), which held three charities BKS races in Almaty, Astana and London. Big gratitude the organizers of the project express to executive director of the BKS Gauhar Bramley-Fenton, sponsors and partners of the BKS races in 2013: National Bank of Kazakhstan, “Air Astana” airline, ENRC Corporation, KIOGE, Technodom, A-Global Resources, Ericsson Kazakhstan, Llp "Kamkor Management" companies and ATF bank. Thanks to the combined efforts of the organizers 17 391 800 tenge managed to gather.

Nikolay DMITRIENKO, director of the perinatal center: "We are often communicate with our colleagues from other regions and many of them have heard about the "Breathe, baby" project. Workers of obstetrics service - obstetrician-gynecologists, pediatricians, neonatologists and mid-level workers - highly appreciate efficiency of the project. Thanks to it a growing number of children's lives saved. And this fact was noted in the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. We are pleased that the "Breathe, baby" project came to our region".

Vyacheslav KIM, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "Kaspi Bank", said: "Kaspi bank and personally I support the project and consider it as an honor for us. I want to thank the doctors who are fighting for the life of every child, to volunteers who invest in this project their time and efforts. This important for all of us project is implemented with the help of Kaspi bank for 5 years. Over the years, the bank gave 91 458 408 tenge to the resuscitation departments of regional and urban centers. During this time, child survival increased in 5 times. Children are our future and the "Breathe, baby" project has given happiness to thousands of families in Kazakhstan. I hope that the project will serve as an example for other companies and together we will give happiness to each other".

Gauhar BRAMLEY-FENTON, executive director of the British-Kazakh Society now lives in London, but never forgets about the country where she was born, and is actively involved in charitable projects: “The British-Kazakh Society annually holds charity races in Kazakhstan. These activities help to promote a healthy lifestyle, to improve relations between the UK and Kazakhstan, to increase the attractiveness of Kazakhstan cities. But the main goal - is to gather the necessary funds for the needy segments of the population. Selection of the "Breathe, baby" project was no accident - we believe that the "AYALA" foundation fully reflects the spirit of mercy and charity, and we are pleased that our collective efforts could help Uralsk regional perinatal center".

Zhangeldy SARSENOV, Vice President of the "AYALA" foundation: "First of all, I want to once again thank all of our sponsors and partners. With the assistance of Kaspi bank, British-Kazakh Society (BKS), “Air Astana” airline, ENRC Corporation, KIOGE, Technodom, A-Global Resources, Ericsson Kazakhstan, Llp "Kamkor Management" companies and ATF bank the "Breathe, baby" project was implemented. Partnership with such major companies is honorable and at the same time responsible for us. One of the most important principles of the foundation is full transparency and strict financial reporting. Each tenge, which we get from partners, which people leave in the boxes for donations, is used strictly by appointment - to help children. Researches, administration and implementation of projects carried out by the founders of our fund.Efficiency and openness of this approach we have shown by seven years of work of the “AYALA” foundation.