Today to themedical department of a Petropavlovsk orphanage centrifuge, electric suction machine and “Bioptron” physiotherapy device were transferred. This ceremonywas the phase of the "The house of my hope" project of the "AYALA" charity foundation.

In May of the last year employeesof the "Aru" Petropavlovsk wedding salon turned to the “AYALA” foundation. On the anniversary of the salon, it was decided to hold a charity event. Internet searchled out Asem Kasymova, head of the "Aru" salon to the "AYALA" foundation and the "The house of my hope" project. During the festive event 394,700 tenge was collected, which were directed on the purchasing of the above equipment. In fundraising for this project a responsive and kind woman Alia Moltanova which contributed to the project 15 000 tenge took part. Total cost of the purchased medical equipment is 407 360 tenge.

Petropavlovskorphanage was founded in 1921. Currently, in this medical children institution brought up 60 children with various diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). 43children left without parental care. 17 children localized to the orphanage temporarily, due to the difficult financial situation of single mothers, three of the 17 children are in the orphanage because of a serious illness.

Orphanagein Petropavlovsk is primarily a medical institution. For the effective treatment of inmateswith diseases and pathology of the CNS, the institution lacks medical equipment. For the complete work it is needed to buy an air ionizer to create a favorable microclimate and equipment for physiotherapy. Details are on the foundation website http://ayala.kz/home_my_hope.php.

Headof the "Aru" wedding salon Asem KASYMOVA said: “Engaged in charity should everyone, according to his/her capabilities. I wanted people to come on the event, who may do not know how to help, but it does not detract their desires. We hope that in our city there will be more people willing to help those in need, especially children. The “AYALA” foundation really helped with the organization, the staff suggested the right line of work. Thank you very much! We will try to continue what we begun".

Chief physicianof the orphanage Marina AKHMETOVA said: “It is very pleasant for our orphanage to get help from caring peoplelike Asem and the "AYALA" charity foundation, which is very far from us, in the southern capital. With the equipment we have received today, health care for our children will improve".  

“Mission of the “AYALA” foundation – is education of culture and tradition of philanthropy in our country. It is always happy when on our projectsrespond successful people and ordinary citizens living in those regions where are the beneficiaries of our foundation. I want to believe that the initiative of workers of the "Aru" wedding salon will be an example for all businesses in Northern Kazakhstan ", - said Zhangeldy SARSENOV, Vice President of the "AYALA" charity foundation.

The ceremony of equipment transferring wasattended by employees of the "Aru" weddingsalon, as well as representatives of the "Emirate" entertainment complex, where the event to raise money was held and workers of a "Lace" decor studio, who decorated hall and podium. New philanthropists bought small gifts for the children - toys, diapers and baked a cake. The visit of the good people pleased as teachers and medical staff and as children.