17-04-2014  WORLD HEALTH DAY

Today in sports and entertainment "Tabagan" complex the "AYALA" charity foundation held a celebration of World Health Day for pupils of regional boarding school ? 15 for children from low-income families.

The World Health Day is celebrated every year on the 7th of April, the day of creation in 1948 the World Health Organization (WHO). During the time that has passed since that historic moment, 194 states of the world have become members of the WHO, including Kazakhstan. Annual holding of the World Health Day has become a tradition since 1950. Events are held in order that people can understand how much health means in their lives.

The “AYALA” foundation first noted this holiday, which became another link in the chain of events for children under the “Let's do good deeds (4D)” project. Within this project the "AYALA" foundation celebrates with pupils of correctional boarding schools, orphanages, kindergartens and other children's social institutions various global and international dates.

Already become traditional conducting of such holidays as the International theatre day, World cartoons day, Night at the museum, Library day, World Children's Day and other dates that are rarely occasions for charity events. Budget of such holidays is usually small; often sponsors of these activities become members of the Club of friends of our foundation. Administration of the sports and entertainment "Tabagan" complex helped us to conduct the World Health Day donated their territory and entertainment - climbing wall, swimming pool, soccer field, and the HorecaImport company with Active O2 trademarked. Besides transport and DJ expenses, the company has provided a large number of drinking Active O2 water, rich with oxygen and vitamins. The total budget of the event was 160 000 tenge.

Experienced organizers of sports trainings and competitions Ashat and Lisa entirely occupied the attention of children. Football practices with the obligatory Health Cup were held. Basic mountaineering skills children received on the climbing wall, then went the competition in speed climbing, as well as the Cup of Qomolangma was played. In the pool the children learned skills of long breath and compete for the Cup of Ihtiandr. For many children, perhaps this Health Day will be an impetus for sports.

After fun relay races, competitions of climbers and swimmers, tired children and their teachers were fed with delicious and hearty dinner.