Our foundation, implementing health projects, pays great attention to the level of training of health workers. We pass to the hospital a large number ofmodern expensive equipment and are interested that medical staffworked with it skillfully and carefully, so we organize various training and briefings. But the most fragile in the hands of doctors is a child's life, so for practice to work with live patients is now widely used modern dummies - full-size mock-ups of man.

Today we passed to the AlmatyMedical College dummies of newborns for developing practical skills in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and nursing care of patients. The total cost of dummies, as well as a set of tools for the care of these tutorials is 1 030 500 tenge. In the work of paramedical personnelskills are of paramount importance, because patient care sometimes means more than brilliantly performed operation in the case of disease, when the patient is immobilized or not capable of self-care and is classified as newborns.

Director ofthe Almaty Medical College A. Sadykova said: "The foundation’s participation in the improvement of the educational process will necessarily bear fruit in improving of the quality of nursing training". The sponsor of this project was the longtime partner of the "AYALA" charity foundation – CHEVRON Company.