Todaypassed sports and entertainment event at the Almaty Resort sanatorium for pupils of the boarding school ? 17 for children from poor families. Holiday dedicated to the International Children's Day. The great adventure in the Almaty Resort world was attended by 50 pupils, from 5 to 8 grades.

The event began witha delicious ice cream treats, which provided by the administration of the Almaty Resort sanatorium. Big adventure consisted of four phases: the first was on land and included workout, volleyball and basketball races, treasure hunt in the vast territory of the sanatorium, a drawing contest and quizzes. The second phase took placein the pool.  Children competed in synchronized swimming and grimacing, playing on and under the water and have a good rest. Then there was a delicious and hearty meal. The fourth phase was the visiting of the cinema, where the pupils watched a fascinating tale "Oz: The Great and Terrible".  

Partner andinitiator of this event was the administration of the Almaty Resort sanatorium, donated their territory, swimming pool and cinema. TheMr. Burger & Pizza fast-food chain free of charge treated children and teachers with tasty burger menu. Special thanks for the food from the children. Raimbek Bottlers Company also donated fruit juices.

All other expensesfor the holiday, and it was 180 000 tenge covered a Gloria Inc Travel Company. This amount was directed to transport, pay for the work of the animation team and presentsto children.  Director of this company Vildana Bitanova one of the most constant and active members of the Club of Friends of the "AYALA" charity foundation.  

Teachersand children appreciated the level of the event. Celebration of the International Children's Day was a good discharge after a long school year.

"We, like all workers of charitable organizations, are very happy when not we are looking for sponsors and the venue but looking for us and offer services and assistance.  Experience over the last three yearsshows that the organization of small and not very expensive holidays for children throughout the year and not just in traditional periods likeNew Year's and Children's Day, lets cover a much larger number of children from institutions, who often drop out of sight of patrons. On our website you can find detailed information on children's holidays under the "Let's do good deeds" project", - said vice-president of the "AYALA" charity foundation Zhangeldy SARSENOV.