Todayin Kyzylorda antituberculous sanatorium for children and adolescents the International Children's Day was celebrated. By this date, children prepared several concert performances. The “AYALA” charity foundation at the request of the sanatorium administrationassisted in equipping the therapeutic exercise cabinet. This is the next stage of the "For special children - special attention" project. In this project the "AYALA" foundation helps special (correctional) boarding schools, in which children who are by fate in a difficult situation live and study. Sanatorium patients need proper rehabilitation and physiotherapy is one of its leading methods.

The “AYALA” charity foundation passed to the antituberculous sanatorium some training equipment, a large number of equipment for physical therapy cabinet: balls, wall bars, hula-hoops. In addition, the sanatorium has received a table for table tennis and all equipment needed for table tennis training. The total cost of equipment and inventory is 747 000 tenge. The money was raised from the boxes installed in the "Kaganat" network of canteens.

Chief physicianof the sanatorium Ayman UNALBAEVA expressed appreciation to the "AYALA" charity foundation for its help. "Physical training is very important in the rehabilitation of children. With new inventory physical therapy classes will be not only useful, but also interesting", - she said.

“The geography of our foundation’s projects invariably expands and covers new city and childcare institutions. Last year we camein Kyzylorda to the regional perinatal center for delivery of medical equipment for the "Breathe, baby" project. Unfortunately, this time we were not able to take a personal part in the presentation of gifts. I congratulate Kyzylorda tuberculosis sanatorium patients with the International Children's Day and wish all the children happy childhood and a quick recovery", - said vice-president of the "AYALA" charity foundation Zhangeldy SARSENOV.