Let us together do
good deeds!


Testimonials about us

  • Dana
    This is an excellent and above all a useful site! I am very glad that in our time there are a lot of kind people… However, there is a big request to make provision for the card holders of Kazkommertsbank and Kcell network subscribers! Thank you so much for what you have! I wish you strong health and happiness!
  • Ainagul Beckzhanova
    I want to express my deep gratitude to “AYALA” foundation. Thanks for your work. Many thanks for buying the vitally important equipment for the children’s intensive care unit of perinatal center in Almaty city. My son had been treated with this equipment for 3 weeks.
    Now we are healthy!!! Thanks to the doctors, nurses and your foundation!!!
  • Madina Ibragimova
    I would like to provide realistic help to your foundation acting as a volunteer. I would not have known about your existence if I had not checked into the city perinatal center (maternity hospital #3) and hadn’t seen with my own eyes how much important it is to have well-equipped hospitals.
  • Madina
    Dear "AYALA" foundation,
    I want to say thank you to your whole staff for the good deeds you do! Thanks for all those who gave freely their money and time: stopped, got into the spirit and shared it with the children!
    I was in Almaty perinatal center #3 with a small premature infant. These apparatus which were bought on the donations of sympathizing people save the lives of our small babies indeed. I think, each Mother whose child was treated with photo- or CPAP- machine sincerely thanked your foundation at heart. Many babies just would not survive without these machines. Again, thank you for your contribution and contribution of every person who donated the money for buying these vitally important apparatus.
  • Rafkhat Zhaparov
    Hello, kind fairies of our country! I am so delighted with you and want to thank you for those examples which you show to ordinary people, to believe in kindness and do good deeds! Wishing you good luck at all beginnings!
  • Dana
    This is an excellent and above all a useful site!
    I am very glad that in our time there are many kind people… Thank you so much for what you have! I wish you strong health and happiness!
  • Maryam Jurievna Каimoldina
    I am a student of medical university named after Asfendiyarov, finished 4th course.
    I would like to thank you for the work you do! It is incredible! I would really like to help you acting as a volunteer! I would be happy if you accept me to your team! Thanks!
  • Aiman Abikenovna Seidakhmetova
    I’m a mother of 1,5-year-old girl with ICP diagnosis, hyperkinetic form due to the postnatal jaundice (hyperbilirubinemia). I express the deep gratitude on behalf of all mothers of babies for the project “Nation’s health starts from maternity hospital” and for the project “I also want to live” where doctors will pass specialization in Tomsk cardiological center. I also want to ask you on behalf of all parents of children with ICP diagnosis to support the specialization passing of our doctors in such centers as “Cortex”, Moscow where the author’s method of medication based on specific way of drug administration bypassing blood-brain barrier. Despite an existing range of effective medications which should slow down the disease progression and improve the life quality of patients, unfortunately, this doesn’t happen. The reason for that is the blood-brain barrier which regulates intake of medications into brain and it falters in case of peripheral vascular diseases. Therefore, the efficacy of treatment decreases and the liver of already unhealthy children suffers because of inefficient methods and high medication doses. Thanks to the specific technology of administration into cerebral blood flow 98% of medication make it into the blood and its repository is created and spent according to the measure of consumption by nerve cells /This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./. Thanks for doing your good deeds!
  • Alibek
    Good day! I am glad that I got familiar with your website and found out about the help you provide to our children! Изги ниетиммен, аманшылык тилеймин отбастарына!
Good day! I am glad that I got familiar with your website and found out about the help you provide to our children! Изги ниетиммен, аманшылык тилеймин отбастарына!
I’m a mother of 1,5-year-old girl with ICP diagnosis, hyperkinetic form due to the postnatal jaundice (hyperbilirubinemia). I express the deep gratitude on behalf of all mothers of babies for the project “Nation’s health starts from maternity hospital” and for the project “I also want to live” where doctors will pass specialization in Tomsk cardiological center. I also want to ask you on behalf of all parents of children with ICP diagnosis to support the specialization passing of our doctors in such centers as “Cortex”, Moscow where the author’s method of medication based on specific way of drug administration bypassing blood-brain barrier. Despite an existing range of effective medications which should slow down the disease progression and improve the life quality of patients, unfortunately, this doesn’t happen. The reason for that is the blood-brain barrier which regulates intake of medications into brain and it falters in case of peripheral vascular diseases. Therefore, the efficacy of treatment decreases and the liver of already unhealthy children suffers because of inefficient methods and high medication doses. Thanks to the specific technology of administration into cerebral blood flow 98% of medication make it into the blood and its repository is created and spent according to the measure of consumption by nerve cells /This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./. Thanks for doing your good deeds!
I am a student of medical university named after Asfendiyarov, finished 4th course.
I would like to thank you for the work you do! It is incredible! I would really like to help you acting as a volunteer! I would be happy if you accept me to your team! Thanks!
This is an excellent and above all a useful site!
I am very glad that in our time there are many kind people… Thank you so much for what you have! I wish you strong health and happiness!
Hello, kind fairies of our country! I am so delighted with you and want to thank you for those examples which you show to ordinary people, to believe in kindness and do good deeds! Wishing you good luck at all beginnings!
Dear "AYALA" foundation,
I want to say thank you to your whole staff for the good deeds you do! Thanks for all those who gave freely their money and time: stopped, got into the spirit and shared it with the children!
I was in Almaty perinatal center #3 with a small premature infant. These apparatus which were bought on the donations of sympathizing people save the lives of our small babies indeed. I think, each Mother whose child was treated with photo- or CPAP- machine sincerely thanked your foundation at heart. Many babies just would not survive without these machines. Again, thank you for your contribution and contribution of every person who donated the money for buying these vitally important apparatus.
I would like to provide realistic help to your foundation acting as a volunteer. I would not have known about your existence if I had not checked into the city perinatal center (maternity hospital #3) and hadn’t seen with my own eyes how much important it is to have well-equipped hospitals.