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The project “The yard of my childhood”

Orphanages, which are located in Almaty and Astana, are traditionally the recipients of corporate and private charity. Often the attention of philanthropists to these organizations is too excessive. At the same time, children from orphanages and boarding schools deprived of parental attention, located in small towns and villages, do not receive any charity help, only the help from the state. Government and commercial organizations located in regional and district centers do not have experience in the field of philanthropy yet.

Fund "AYALA" was founded in 2007, during its five-year work gained an experience in helping children's health and education institutions not only in Almaty, but similar social institutions located in various parts of our country. We have already provided assistance to medical and educational institutions of Almaty, East Kazakhstan, Mangistau, Zhambyl, Kostanai, Atyrau regions. Presenting medical equipment to children's intensive care unit of regional maternity hospitals, perinatal centers, and infectious hospitals, employees of our fund conducted monitoring in orphanages and boarding schools of regional centers. It was found that the urgent need for social educational institutions is to equip the territory with modern, colorful and durable playgrounds. These playgrounds, which fund "AYALA" built on the territory of sanatorium orphanages and child care centers became a favorite place for kids games. Staff noted the beneficial effect of outdoor games on the intellectual and physical development of their wards.

Currently, the charity fund "AYALA" offers a review of potential sponsors and partners implementing the following projects, we have combined under the name "The yard of my childhood." 


City orphanage ¹ 2 in Almaty city

In the orphanage ¹ 2 in Almaty city, currently raised 77 children aged from 0 to 5 years old. Most of them (72%) have health problems, mainly diseases of the central nervous system. For proper development of such children it is need to move actively. Playground of the orphanage ¹ 2 because of its condition does not allow children to play in the necessary volume. To bring the children's playground in proper condition, and for the repair of three arbors, installation of modern colorful play equipment it is necessary to collect 2,993,120 tenge.

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers

Special (correctional) boarding school ¹ 1 for children with hearing impairment (deaf children) of Almaty city

In the boarding school ¹ 1 are living and studying 136 children with hearing impairment. These children, especially pupils of junior and middle grades require complete exercises in the open air. To thar end, we propose to build in the boarding school the modern playground. Such playgrounds make a walk of children in their spare time more interesting. The “AYALA” charity fund plans to build in the boarding school ¹ 1 playground, consisting of the following elements:

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers

Special (correctional) boarding school ¹ 8 for children with impaired psychological development, orphans and children left without parental care of Almaty city

Boarding school ¹ 8 was opened in 1962. At present, the school brought up 120 children. Pupils living in it all the year round and are on full state support. Boarding school has become a home for the children, and they want to see the orphanage courtyard bright, comfortable and fun. The "AYALA" fund offers to set in a boarding school ¹ 8 sports area, which will comprise the following equipment:

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers

Orphanage ¹ 1 of Almaty city

City specialized orphanage ¹ 1 is currently home for 39 children which are fated to remain without parental warmth. 14 pupils - disabled since childhood. Outdoor games on modern playgrounds contributing to physical development of children, and this in turn, indirectly helps mental development. For games in the orphanage there are just not new arbors. We propose to build a modern gaming complex, which will consist from:

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers

House of Hope of Almaty city

In children House of Hope are raising children from birth to 7 years. These either orphans, or children, for various reasons left without parental care. Today, in the House of Hope are living and raising 59 children. Although, there are a sufficient number of gaming sites, one group of pupils has to "knock about" on the sites of other groups. To remedy this situation, the "AYALA" fund is proposing to build another place for games in the House of Hope.

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers

Sanatorium ¹ 3 of Almaty city

This sanatorium is designed for rehabilitation treatment and medical rehabilitation of children aged 3 to 7 years old with pulmonary diseases of nontuberculous origin. Each year in the sanatorium recuperate 1800 children. In each 17-day race, 100 children undergo rehabilitation. Outdoor games are an integral part of the rehabilitation process. We propose to establish in the sanatorium the following equipment:

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers

National Research Surgery Center named after Syzganov of Almaty city

National Research Surgery Center (NRSC) named after Syzganov is a leading center of pediatric cardiac surgery in our region. In 2012 in NRSC it was set up a specialized children's department of cardiac surgery. During the project "I also want to live" we passed to the cardiac surgery department a large number of the medical equipment and surgical instruments for operations for children with congenital heart diseases. In addition, our fund has funded advanced training courses of doctors in the leading cardiac hospitals of Italy and Russia. Currently, in the NRSC performed more heart surgeries for children weighing less than 10 kg, the operations are conducted for newborns. NRSC named after Syzganov accepts children with congenital heart disease, not only from the city of Almaty, but also from the surrounding areas. In the postoperative period young patients need rehabilitation. For these, in the NRSC there are cabinet of therapeutic physical training, physiotherapy department, but for children the best method of rehabilitation is a game. Territory of the NRSC allows children to walk, but in the courtyard there are no conditions for the safe play. The “AYALA” charity fund plans to build in the NRSC children playground, consisting of the following elements:

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers

Special (correctional) boarding school ¹ 9 for children with severe speech disorders of Almaty city

At present time, in the school are living and studying 369 children. Among the pupils dominate children from poor and disadvantaged families, there are also orphans. On the territory of the boarding there is no complete and modern playground, which would have made walking outdoors attractive and useful for children. To solve this problem, we propose to establish a children's playground:

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers

Sports equipment

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers

General Total: 1,304,660 tenge

Special (correctional) boarding school ¹ 6 for children with intellectual disabilities of Almaty city

In the boarding school there are 148 children. Sports playground of boarding school is in poor condition and is not of interest to children. For sports that contribute to the formation of many intercellular communications in the central nervous system and indirectly increase the level of intelligence, we proposed to be built a sports complex:

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers

"Aksai" Republican Children Clinical Hospital of Almaty city

State Enterprise "Aksai" Republican Children Clinical Hospital is one of the oldest institutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan, providing medical and rehabilitative care to children across the country with severe orthopedic and neurological pathologies. Each year, about 1,000 children with cerebral palsy get rehabilitation treatment; more than 1 300 children from 2 months to 15 years of life are operated on various congenital and acquired diseases. In the postoperative period and during the conservative treatment of children for rehabilitation walking outdoors is needed. Unfortunately, the area of the hospital is equipped with miserable devices for the children’s games. Basically, benches, horizontal bars, etc. there are still from the 90's of the last century. We propose to build in the “Aksai” hospital the sports playground:

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers


The orphanage "Aynalayyn", Taldykorgan town

It was founded in 1996, now in an orphanage live 119 pupils aged from 3 to 18 years. Most of the pupils are orphans. On the territory of the orphanage there is no a full playground, and outdoor games are the most important component of the comprehensive development of young children. To create a comfortable environment in the children's social institution it should be build a modern sports complex:

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers

Regional Special boarding school for the hearing impaired and deaf children (Taldykorgan town)

A specialized institution for children with hearing impairment began its work in 1988. 143 pupils live and get education within the walls of this boarding school. In addition to basic education, boarding schools have the opportunity to participate in the program Paralympics Games "Special Olympics". For the high-quality preparation of children-athletes it is needed:

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers

The regional subsidiary boarding school for children with intellectual disabilities (Taldykorgan town)

The boarding school was opened in 1971 for children with intellectual disabilities. These children are often talented in the sphere of physical culture, but for full development modern equipment is necessary. Children's sports and play area, which the school requires, include:

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers


The orphanage “Ulan”, Taraz city

In this orphanage, which was opened in 1993 is now living 104 children left without parental care, including orphans. For sports on the territory of orphanage it is planned to build sports anti-vandal outdoor gym area.

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers

"Meirim" boarding school for the deaf and hearing impaired children (Taraz city)

On the territory of the boarding school, in which brought up and educated 163 people from 4 to 20 years, there is no a full playground for preschoolers and children studying in the elementary grades. Playgrounds for children, which are our fund built on the territory of 4 boarding schools, are always a favorite place for children to play.

Taraz boarding school for deaf and hearing impaired children is in need of the following:

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers


Regional Special Boarding School ¹ 2 for children with developmental disabilities, Temirtau town

It is existed since 1967. Currently in the boarding school raised 97 children aged from 7 to 16 years. For the harmonious education of children with disabilities a special approach is necessary. To increase the chances of our children to be socially adapted in adult life, it is need to develop skills of physical and intellectual progress. To help this process sports and playground must be set in a boarding school.

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers


Shymkent boarding school ¹ 1 for deaf children

Shymkent boarding school ¹ 1 for of deaf children was established in 1952. Currently in boarding school educated 200 children from 1 to 10 forms. Unlike other students of specialized schools, for example, boarding schools for children with intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy and other neurological disorders, intelligence and physical health of pupils of school for deaf children do not suffer. For the full physical development in the boarding school ¹ 1 in Shymkent, the sports-playground should be installed:

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers

Lenger boarding school for hearing impaired children (South Kazakhstan)

Children with hearing impairments often have skills in areas not related to the auditory system perception. Among these children there are a lot of physical education fans, some of them making significant achievements in sport. For the full physical development of boarding school’s pupils it is necessary to build a children's playground and equipped a gym with the following equipment:

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers

Shymkent boarding school

In the boarding school are taught and trained 169 children diagnosed with mental retardation and Down syndrome. This school is the basic under the program “Special Olympics”. School pupils become regular winners of the various national and international competitions. For training and full physical development in boarding school in Shymkent, it is necessary to install sports and playground on the territory:

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers

Shymkent city boarding school ¹ 2 for deaf children

The school was founded in 1978. In the 2011-2012 school year, in the school educated 130 children. For primary school children in the orphanage it is necessary to build a playground. For the full physical development a gym need to retrofit with various equipment:

* Equipment cost can vary depending on the exchange rates and periods of validity of the provider's commercial offers


online transactions


Today, the awarding certificates ceremony for the purchasing and installation of equipment for schools, medical and social institutions in the town, organized by the "Chevron" company in partnership with the "AYALA" charity foundation held. The ceremony was attended by akim of the town Toletay Mukhamedjanov, representatives of local government agencies, physicians, educators and the public of Ereymentau region. more

Kaspi bank in its online department provided its clients the opportunity to participate in charitable projects of our foundation. Previously, National Bank of Kazakhstan has provided such a possibility to its clients. Internet Banking - is a very convenient tool not only for utility services payment, loan repayments and other payments without leaving home or office. This saves time as opposed to payments in banks. In charitable activities, moreover, it is also exempt from the need to find requisites, fill in financial documents. more

Today in the park on the east bank of the Esentai river area for training new sport called WorkOut was opened. These are physical exercises without special reference to time and place. Young athletes for their exercises using horizontal bars, parallel bars, wall bars, which remained from the Soviet era in the territory of the school playgrounds. The good news is that the motto of the Street WorkOut movement "Healthy life without alcohol, nicotine, drugs and anabolic!" more