The project "Breathe new life"

Global project to raise funds for the "Breathe life" project via sms to a short 1462 number of a Beeline mobile operator continues. Any subscriber of the operator can take part in the "Breathe Life" project by sending a message to the 1462 number and 100 tenge from the subscriber's account will be directed to the project to rescue children who fall into the resuscitation departments of the Republic of Kazakhstan hospitals.
The "Breathe life" aims to equip children resuscitation departments of the Kazakhstan hospitals with vital medical equipment. This project was initiated in 2007, when the "AYALA" foundation helped resuscitation department of a Children City Infectious Diseases Hospital (CCIDH) of Almaty with medical equipment. Ventilators, semiautomatic laboratory, phototherapy apparatus, incubator for newborn children and other medical equipment have been put in this department. The project has proved its effectiveness by dozens of rescued children's lives. Infant mortality decreased by 4 times with the equipment that the "AYALA" foundation passed to the CCIDH. In 2011 it was decided to expand the boundaries of the initiated project outside the southern capital.
We hope that all Beeline subscribers will become participants of the "Breathe life" project.