On May 18, 2011 Almaty hosted the Second Annual International Conference “Charity in Kazakhstan”. The conference was organized by the charitable foundations “AYALA”, “Bauyrzhan”, the “Association of Charity Organisations” of Kazakhstan with the support of the Foundation of the First President (FFP) of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The conference was opened by the executive director of the FFP Bektas Gafurovich Mukhamedzhanov; greeting speeches were made by the Deputy Head of the Central Office of National Democratic Party "Nur Otan" Mukhtar Yerman, Chairman of the Committee on Information and Archives of the Ministry of Communications and Information of Kazakhstan, Bolat Bersebaev. That day a lot of interesting events occurred in grand hall and in small hall of the premises of the Foundation of the First President of RK. The forum brought together representatives of charitable nonprofit organisations from all over Kazakhstan. This year the topic of the conference was “Mass-media and charity” therefore many representatives from the mass-media attended the conference.
During the plenary session reports from both NGOs and the media were presented, and these reports sometimes expressed diametrically opposed views. Representatives of charitable organizations blamed reporters for paying no regard to the news and events in the non-profit sector. While reporters claimed that members of charitable organizations were not able to show those events in an interesting way, and they did not understand that mass-media depend on sponsoring organizations. These sponsoring organizations can be either financial or industrial groups, as well as state groups.
Arguments of both parties made during the plenary session were very interesting and contributed to better understanding between representatives of NGOs and the media. Presented reports included reports of: Anna Belokryltseva, a chief editor of "Studio Dialogue", the author of radio program "Addresses of mercy" ("Russian Radio"), Darmen Smayil, a head of PF "National Center for Journalism Studies”, Gyuzella Nikolayshvili, an associate professor of applied politoligy faculty of Higher School of Economics and a head of the internet project www.socreklama.ru, Assel Karaulova, a president of “IC Kazkhstani Press-Club”, Dzhamilya Assanova, a representative of the ALE “Association of Civil Society Development”, Zhuldyz Omarbekova, president of the PF “Bauyrzhan”, and Zhangeldy Sarsenov, a vice-president of the charity foundation “AYALA”. Especiallythe report of G. Nikolayshvili "Current status of social advertisement in Russia” and the report of Zhangeldy Sarsenov "Fundraising and mass-media are two sore points of the charity” sticked to the participants’ memories. After the plenary session many participants thanked these speakers for interesting and useful information from their reports.
After a magnificent lunch, provided by the restaurant complex “Palladium”, one of the general sponsors of the event, the conference continued its work. During the one-hour discussion, participants exchanged views, experiences and proposals on further cooperation of mass-media and charitable organizations. Moderators of the discussion were a well-known journalist and political scientist, Eduard Poletayev, and a member of the “Association of Civil Society Development”, Dzhamilya Assanova. The most interesting part began after the discussion: in grand hall and in small hall Russian invitees were holding master classes for members of charitable organizations and representatives of mass-media.
The topic of Anna Belokryltseva’s master class was "101 Ways to Change the World: What can a reporter do?" During the master class, Anna spoke about the Russian experience of cooperation between mass-media and nonprofit organisations, methods of interesting presentation of information on the work of charitable organisations, and problems these organizations dealt with. Indeed, frequently common people even don’t suspect that such problems exist and it can cause a negative reaction. For example, when it comes to pediatric oncology, cardiac surgery or problems of disabled children, unprepared reader may experience an information shock. Representatives of national mass-media commented on the current situation on the media coverage of the charitable activities in our country.
The associate professor of applied politology of Higher School of Economics, the head of the internet project www.socreklama.ru, Gyuzella Nikolayshvili conducted a master class "5 rules and 5 errors of social advertising." This master class was especially useful for representatives of charitable organizations, because these particular organizations usually create themselves or order social advertisements. Participants from different regions told after the conference that many aspects of this master class were literally a discovery for them.
During the conference many executives and representatives of charitable organizations from different regions of the country expressed a burning desire to join the Association of charitable organizations of Kazakhstan.
All participants, Russian guests and the Organising Committee shared a common opinion that the Second Annual International Conference “Charity in Kazakhstan" was held at the highest organizational and informational levels.
The Organising Committee expresses its deep gratitude to all volunteers. Without the help of these boys and girls conference could turn into a mess. We are pleased that these young people through their work and personal time contributed to the organization of this charity conference.
We also express our gratitude to our constant partners – “Air Astana” airline and "Almaty" hotel, which kindly agreed to provide transportation and accommodation to our foreign guests. The Organising Committee especially thanks theF oundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the help in organisation of the Second Annual International Conference “Charity in Kazakhstan”.
We also express our sincere respect to the chief editors and reporters who attended and covered the course of our conference in the mass-media.
Personal thanks to:
Press center of the news agency “Interfax-Kazakhstan”
Cable networks “Icon”, “Alma TV”
Television channels“Khabar”, “El Arna ", "STV ", "KTK ", "Almaty”, “Muzzone”, “Hit TV”
Companies “Mega LED display”, “Adani LED display”
Radio Stations “Kazradio", "Autoradio“, “Love radio”, “Azattyk radiosy"
Newspapers "Vzglyad", "Delovoi Kazakhstan", "Iz ruk v ruki", "Komsomolskaya Pravda in Kazakhstan", "Panorama", "Almaty akshamy", "Ak bosaga", "Ana tili", "Alash aynasy", "Dala men kala ", "Zhas Kazak ", "Aikyn ", "Vechernii Almaty ", "Liter ", "Kursiv", "Megapolis ", "Strana i mir", "Vremya"
Magazines “Adam Reader's”, “Apple city vkusi sochnuyu zhizn”, “Business woman”, “Cosmopolitan”, “Golf.kz”, “Kazakhstan”, “Kazenergy”, “Naslednik”, “National business”, “Nomad-Kazakhstan”, “Property.kz”, “Time out”, “Vintage”, “Viva la vida”, “Wedding world”, “World Discovery Kazakhstan”, “Baiterek", "Biznes-mir Kazakhstan”, "Delovaya zhenshina", "DM", "Zhenshiny Vostok-Zapad", "Medicare," Moi biznes Kazakhstan ", "RCBK ", "Sezon", "Sovyet Direktorov ", "Uspeh - Success »,« Centr Azii","Exclusive”, "Expert Kazakhstan".
Internet resources “Nur.kz”, “Nur Media”