The next stage of the project "Kazakhstan without orphans" has been completed. The source of this project was a public foundation “DOM”, but a significant support in realization of this project rendered the charity foundations “DARA” and “AYALA”. Due to the joint efforts of non-governmental organizations, state agencies and deputies of the Majilis, the Code on "Matrimony and Family" concerning adoption was amended; it simplified and speeded up the process.
Today, the public foundation "DOM" presented the Internet portal, hosting public information about children available for adoption. In addition, potential foster parents through this portal can view a list of documents and stages of the adoption procedure. On the one hand, this portal will increase the number of adoption of children, which are bringing up in boarding institutions. On the other hand, it will prevent potential parents from the thoughtless emotional decision, which may have been taken in the orphanage or children’s homes. Accordingly, it will reduce the number of refusals from the adopted children, because the return of the child to the orphanage is a horrible psychological trauma both for the adoptive parents and a child.
During the press-conference the optimistic idea that “The portal is designed to ensure that over the time stop the existence because of the useless" was expressed, because the whole project will be completed, which aim is evident from its title – “Kazakhstan without orphans”.